Visions are: n Positive & Inspiring n Developed by the Leader n Shared by the Team n Comprehensive & Detailed
n Visions are deeper than dreams Visions imply action n Action without vision passes time n Vision is a result of dreams in action n Values are a way of measuring the rightness of your direction, but they can’t give you direction. Vision does.
Self Motivation Steps n Get a clear picture of what you want –not what you don’t want n Clarify your desire –how much time, money, effort, risk n Fit it into your star –balance n Imagine the end result in vivid detail
Self-affirmation Statements n See yourself where you want to be –imagine it –structured statements –describe yourself –as though you have already achieved it
n Engage in self-talk –first person –present tense –positive –action and emotion n Ten seconds twice a day –morning & night n No false sense of hope –65% attitude –20% knowledge –15% skills
n If fail –“that’s not like me” –or change goals n Measure the outcome –feedback –If it is to be it is up to me. –Law of expectation and experience--We seldom, if ever, exceed our expectations. –You get about what you expect. What are you expecting?
Self-affirmation Statement n Example “I am consistently very positive on the job, at home, and in play; I control my self-talk and I radiate this attitude to others around me.” Self-image Performance Self-talk
n Dwell on what they want to happen n Dwell on past wins n Dwell on what they don’t want to happen n Dwell on past losses High PerformersLow Performers
Sayings To n When it rains; it pours! n It’s one of those days! n If it’s not one thing; it’s another... n Too good to be true... n What’s the matter with me?
n 1-Think first about your past n 2-Determine what you want n 3-Write about how you’ve made a difference n 4-Write a short vision statement
n 5-Act on your intuition n 6-Test your assumptions n 7-Become a futurist n 8-Rehearse your vision
Difference in a Vision and a Mission n Vision n Broader n Further into future n Mission n More specific n Immediate future n How we’re going to fulfill our vision
n “Vision” and “Mission” are often used interchangeably n Many authors and leaders do not distinguish between the two terms
n Ideality: The Pursuit of Excellence n Uniqueness: Pride in Being Different n Future Orientation: Looking Forward n Imagery: Pictures of the Future
Visions/Missions: n Go beyond mere platitudes n Exude a sense that the organization can make the world better in some way n Are realistically attainable and believable