New developments – implications for ARIOPs Workforce Health and Wellbeing Project Dr Jim Ford
Workforce Health and Wellbeing Project Immediate Outcomes:- – Health Policy Group – Health and Wellbeing conference – on Monday! – Clinical Leadership Group ARIOPs
Purpose of Clinical Leadership Group Provide specialist medical advice to enhance rail industry’s health strategies Align with and develop the railway health and wellbeing roadmap with specific reference to the Clinical Knowledge strategic theme Undertake these activities within a dashboard of costs and benefits to improve the value of health and wellbeing investment within rail ARIOPs
Remit of cross-industry Clinical Leadership Group Advice to establish some basic benchmarks of health provision and a common level of practice A strategic view of medical activity within rail Medical advice and recommendations to the Health and Wellbeing Policy Group Advice on the management of industry health risk New links to external medical bodies and initiatives making use of existing practices to add value to rail ARIOPs
Clinical Leadership group does not Create mandates within the industry Deal with individual medical appeals or disputes Consider commercial issues such as the competitiveness of OH providers or the size of the market place ARIOPs
Objectives of first 18 months of CLG Set out a clinical strategy, which may include: – Finding improvements to the lifecycle from individual sickness to rehabilitation – An outline of an OH competence framework within rail – Horizon scanning for upcoming health risks to the industry e.g. Nano technologies – Identifying data feeds required to support the group’s activities (e.g. data from other clinicians, providers, organisations) – Identification of the external links that rail needs to develop (e.g. with DVLA) – Seeking technical and medical improvements that drive down costs Support company management of individual health through ‘Health Advice Notices’ (stand-alone papers on the line to take on certain conditions) on two of the following areas: – Shift work, sleep apnoea, diabetes, return to work, laser eye surgery Provide direction on a holistic approach to health surveillance Identify gaps and foster better links between health providers and rail organisations in the management of Health surveillance ARIOPs
CLG – Pay and rations – ARIOPs view Modest expectations, but: Time should be covered by OH contract RSSB/ORR therefore needs to encourage railway undertakings to regard this as a positive and cutting edge So that OH Providers can release Negotiation over homework RSSB will provide venue/secretariat/travel