A view from the CFA Sheila McCullough Scotland Representative, CFA
2 ©2012 Skills CFA Sheila McCullough Overview Introduction to CFA Management & Leadership NOS Review Review of changes to M&L SVQs Modern Apprenticeship changes, inc Certification and L2 Team Leading MA
3 ©2012 Skills CFA Sheila McCullough CFA: An Introduction Standard Setting Organisation with 4 nation remit Took over responsibility for Management & Leadership from MSC in May 2010 Now responsible for M&L qualifications, Modern Apprenticeships and National Occupational Standards (NOS)
4 ©2012 Skills CFA Sheila McCullough Management & Leadership NOS Review Incremental review of M&L NOS carried out between March 2011 and March 2012 Major Changes: –Update of content to keep up-to- date and reflective of current practices –Change of structure (Functional Map) –Addition of 19 new NOS
5 ©2012 Skills CFA Sheila McCullough Management & Leadership NOS Review II Changes to NOS supported by online surveys and consultation across 4 nations Major topics reviewed included: –Understanding the wider context/ global awareness –Strategic decision making –Taking the long view –Corporate Social Responsibility –Ethical behaviour/personal integrity/trust –Influencing senior managers and stakeholders –Negotiating –Developing talent
6 ©2012 Skills CFA Sheila McCullough Management & Leadership NOS Review III Selected New NOS include: –Manage corporate social responsibility (CSR) –Induct individuals into their roles –Manage the redeployment of people –Manage communications with and within teams –Manage flexible working –Enhance staff wellbeing –Identify and justify budget requirements –Manage information, knowledge and communications systems –Bid for contracts
7 ©2012 Skills CFA Sheila McCullough Management & Leadership NOS Review IV – Next Steps Will complete the review this month Final NOS have to be signed-off by each of the four nations. Aim to have sign-off by March/April 2012 Will add new NOS into SVQ structures in 2012 – likely to all be optional units, not mandatory units. Aim to complete by August/September 2012 Revised NOS will not replace existing NOS in SVQs immediately. Date for ‘full’ transition being discussed with Awarding Bodies, but no decision yet
8 ©2012 Skills CFA Sheila McCullough M&L SVQs Team Leading and Management SVQs changed from 1 st June 2011 Aim was to make qualification structures more reflective of the roles of learners and increase flexibility where possible Changes included: –Revision of which units are mandatory and which are optional –Optional units revised based on feedback and consultation –Updated units to be used, including imported (e.g. customer service) units –Revised Assessment Strategy Revised structure available from CFA or SQA
9 ©2012 Skills CFA Sheila McCullough Modern Apprenticeships Revised Frameworks approved in August 2011, as follows: Management MA L3: –SVQ SCQF L7 –Communication at SCQF 5 –Information & Communication Technology at SCQF 4* –Numeracy at SCQF 4* –Problem Solving at SCQF 5 –Working With Others at SCQF 5 −*ICT and Numeracy are required to be separately certificated. –One Enhancement: −One core skill at a higher level; or −One unit from an SVQ at Level 3 or above relevant to the apprentice’s job role; or −One additional unit from the Management SVQ at Level 3
10 ©2012 Skills CFA Sheila McCullough Modern Apprenticeships II Management MA L4: –SVQ SCQF L9 –Communication at SCQF 6 –Information & Communication Technology at SCQF 5* –Numeracy at SCQF 6 –Problem Solving at SCQF 6 –Working With Others at SCQF 6 −*ICT is required to be separately certificated. –One Enhancement: −One unit from an SVQ at Level 4 or above relevant to the apprentice’s job role; or −One additional unit from the Management SVQ at Level 4
11 ©2012 Skills CFA Sheila McCullough Modern Apprenticeships III Management MA L5: –SVQ SCQF L11 –Communication at SCQF 6 –Information & Communication Technology at SCQF 5* –Numeracy at SCQF 6 –Problem Solving at SCQF 6 –Working With Others at SCQF 6 −*ICT is required to be separately certificated. –One Enhancement: −One unit from an SVQ at Level 4 or above relevant to the apprentice’s job role; or −One additional unit from the Management SVQ at Level 5
12 ©2012 Skills CFA Sheila McCullough Modern Apprenticeships IV L2 Team Leading MA submitted to MAG for approval. Expecting decision in March. Proposal as follows: –SVQ SCQF L5 –Communication at SCQF 4 –Information & Communication Technology at SCQF 4* –Numeracy at SCQF 4* –Problem Solving at SCQF 4 –Working With Others at SCQF 4 −*ICT and Numeracy are required to be separately certificated. –One Enhancement: −One core skill at a higher level; or −One unit from an SVQ at Level 2 or above relevant to the apprentice’s job role; or −One additional unit from the Team Leading SVQ at Level 2
13 ©2012 Skills CFA Sheila McCullough Modern Apprenticeships V – Registration and Certification Centres are required to register their candidates with CFA within 8 weeks of commencement on the MA, for all learners who are undertaking the new MA Frameworks (from August 2011 onwards) Certification of learners on new frameworks to be provided by CFA For learners on old frameworks (starts before August 2011), certification remains with MSC.