Framework for success- Helping you -help yourself Tracey Ainsley Dawn Fozard Staff Development Framework Group Facilitators-Lesley Douglas; Charles Cording; Saxon Grogan; Susan Chilton
Learning Outcomes By the end of this workshop participants will: Be aware of what the Staff Development Framework is have identified some core competencies within their role/team understand that developing oneself will ultimately provide a better service for our students
Staff Development Framework – What is it? The Framework is recognition that change has become the norm: Skills that were relevant 5 or 10 years ago are often not needed now We need to be more customer focused, more flexible and more able to multi task to do our jobs effectively The framework describes the skills, attitudes and behaviours needed to deliver success across our service
Reasons for developing the Framework Dynamic roles Succession Planning External influences Economic Climate
Background Research Journal articles Other libraries such as: – Huddersfield University Councils Businesses such as: – Royal Bank of Scotland & John Lewis Staff focus groups and briefings Staff survey
What we do now! Appraisal University mandatory training TNT (Training & tidying) – Delivered by both internal and external trainers – Diverse programme including: Mental health awareness-(Student services) Journey of a book (library staff from different sections) Managing challenging behaviour (Library staff) Incident control (Library incident team) Launching the library catalogue (Project team) Service development plan (SDP) (University Library director) Visits e.g. to other libraries
Welcome Host Welcome host is part of a series of customer services training programmes created for the tourism industry to: Achieve excellence in customer service Exceed customer needs and satisfaction Provide an environment where courtesy and helpfulness are a standard
The competency jigsaw
Pilot Customer support – Largest team, varying levels, working hours 24/7 Training is recorded on a learning log Twice yearly meetings with line manager Feeds into appraisal Highlights areas for development, priorities for learning Review in June Update and roll out to all library staff
Activity Each table should have: – ‘Achieving Excellence’ competency – A blank ‘Developing ourselves and others’ competency Task- Work together on each table to fill in the developing self competency for 10 minutes Feedback to larger group discussion Facilitators will help each table
Activity Each table should have: – ‘Achieving Excellence’ competency – A blank ‘Developing ourselves and others’ competency Task- Work together on each table to fill in the developing self competency for 10 minutes Feedback to larger group discussion Facilitators will help each table
Reflection Reflection is a thought process and a technique for evaluating your own performance or self development need. Reflection is a skill for life, you reflect everyday in both social and work environments, which can lead to new and deeper understanding, improved processes and help you be prepared for the future. Learning from your successes and mistakes can enhance your development. It involves critically looking at your development needs and then changing or modifying your performance or practice.
Reflection Reflection is thinking about what you have done, how you have done it, and how you could do it differently or better next time. Basically WHAT, SO WHAT, NOW WHAT. It will highlight trends or patterns in your behaviour or actions. Understanding and acknowledging your feelings is an important part of the process, remembering it is a critical tool and not descriptive. To reflect effectively we need to slow down, notice, examine, analyse, enquire and review. It is not rushed or passive.
Summary The Framework is just in its pilot stage Once reviewed it will be rolled out to all library staff The Framework gives staff opportunity for development and reflection Well trained staff ultimately provide excellent customer service
Customer Service Excellence The library has recently been awarded CSE Everyone throughout the university has a role in providing good customer service Students expectations are always changing and we need to be prepared for the challenging times ahead
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