Working Styles Majority Rules Minority (Subcommittee) Averaging Expert Authority – No discussion Authority – with Discussion Consensus
Team Members Identify critical needs Define minimum acceptable levels Alternatives Search for ideas to satisfy all members Best solution – meets and exceeds Win-Win
Member Behavior Styles Interpersonal Styles Classified by Two Dimensions Dominance – the amount of control and forcefulness you attempt to exert over people and situations Sociability – your willingness to express emotions and focus on other people and tasks
Dominance/Sociability Scales Dominance Tell Assertive – influence others by telling them what you want, where you want it, and when Ask Assertive – influence others by asking questions, allowing them to reach their own conclusions Tell Assertive Ask Assertive Sociability Task Focused (Reserved) People Focused (Outgoing)
Behavior Styles Dominance Tell AssertiveAsk Assertive Sociability Task Focused People Focused Analytical Driver Amiable Expressive
Analytical Oriented towards analysis Tends to think things through Needs to be right Focuses on facts rather than feelings Evaluates situation objectively Prefer organized work environments
Driver Oriented towards winning Acts decisively and in-control Know where they want to go Good at managing tasks Results oriented Thrive on competition
Amiable Oriented towards relationships Like to please others Like security Responsive and friendly Want you to respect and value them Prefer organized work environments
Expressive Oriented towards creativity May be intuitive, humorous May use non-linear thinking Outgoing, enthusiastic, friendly Prefer to work with other people Need to be recognized, not ignored
Behavior Strategy Recognize styles Drivers want the facts Analyticals want the numbers Watch for conflict between opposites Analytical/Expressive Driver/Amiable
Behavior Tips Analytical Speak/smile more Show interest/appreciation Relax, share information Enthusiasm won’t kill you! Amiable Speed up with fast people Talk more, listen less Be assertive Take some risks Driver Go slow with slow people Listen to other ideas Don’t dominate Relax, show patience Expressive Listen more, slow down Set specific goals Check details Learn to concentrate
Member Survey Intended for someone who knows you Try to picture yourself working with others There are no right or wrong answers Add up the columns you checked Fill in the grid Where are your highest points?
Team Project Pass envelope, take 1 piece each until all 6 pieces are distributed Taking turns, assemble a square in 5 minutes No talking! No gestures, facial cues! You may only: Place a piece on the table Rearrange the pieces Hand a piece to someone else You may not take a piece unless it is offered Observe how members interact!
Team Project Solution
Team Assignment Meet, assign leader, correspondent Review your working styles Discuss how that may affect your work me by Wednesday, Oct 23 List of styles e.g. 2 amiable, 1 driver, 1 analytical If anyone falls between two styles, say so No names needed Concerns or ideas for working together