Warm Up #6- Greetings, earthlings. We have noticed that there are two sorts of human, women and men. How are they different? Follow your teachers directions… “Act like a man” “Be a Lady”
What do you think these terms mean? Sex Gender Sex-role stereotype Gender terminology Sex – biological characteristics of a person (genes/chromosomes; reproductive anatomy) – Male & female Gender – psychological or behavioral characteristics of a person relating to their sex (ways of thinking, feeling, acting) – Masculine & feminine Sex-role stereotypes – widely held beliefs about expected or appropriate ways of acting for men and women
From the list we made earlier select one example of a sex difference, one example of a gender difference, and one example of a sex- role stereotype. Androgyny (Bem, 1974) Masculinity and femininity are independent traits They are not inevitably linked to sex A person can score high or low on either or both High High Low Low masculinity femininity How does this develop in children? Boys’ clothing or toys Boys’ activities Boys are encouraged to be… Girls’ clothing or toys Girls’ activities Girls are encouraged to be…
Gender Roles The behaviors that a culture associates with a gender Biopsychological Biopsychological More focused on nature More subtle biological gender difference than gentiles There are brain differences between the genders- more on that in IP Women have a larger corpus callosums Psychodynamic Psychodynamic This is more for a historical knowledge than what is considered true for now… Freud thought gender development was a competition Young boys compete with dad for mom Young girls just the opposite Proper development occurs when they realize this will never happen, and ID with the same sex parent This is basically impossible to prove Social-cognitive Social-cognitive Effects of society and our own thoughts about gender have on role development How do WE treat boys and girls differently? We all have gender schema- – explains that we internalize messages about gender into cognitive rules about how each gender should behave In your notebook: Respond to these questions and prepare to discuss tomorrow- 1. To what extent do you believe that gender stereotypes influence the gender development of a child? 2. Have you ever experienced a situation where you were expected to act a certain way because you were a girl or a boy, even though it may not have been the way you felt like acting? Videos Write a 1-2 sentence summary for each video and list 3 key points for each video that you think are the most important concepts for adolescents to understand Social Development Friends