Class 1 -> Information Capsule Theme 7: Evaluations 7.3 Team Project Developed by Pierre Simard, Translated and Narrated by Shereef Elshafei (2014)
ScheduleDeliverablesWeighting Class 4 Descriptive Sheet Defining the Nature and Scope of the Project 5% Class 7 Network Diagram of the Activities to be Carried Out for the Project During Classes 8 to 10 5% Class 10 Report on the Interview Conducted With a Member of Your Student Association 5% Class 11 Kiosk Presenting the Student Association You Have Studied Over the Course of the Semester 15%
Evaluation CriteriaPaulAnnaPhongYanRimTotal Executing the Project Responsibilities->Carrying Out Tasks Task-Based Roles -> Carrying Out Assigned Tasks Deliverables -> Respecting Criteria Timeframes -> Respecting Deadlines Respecting Conditions Imposed on the Team Teamwork Reconciling Cultural Differences Respecting Learning Styles Reconciling Communication Styles Reconciling Conflict Management Styles Reconciling Decision- Making Styles Overall Performance
Evaluation CriteriaPaulAnnaPhongYanRimTotal Executing the Project Responsibilities->Carrying Out Tasks 100%110%125%50%115%500% Task-Based Roles -> Carrying Out Assigned Tasks 100%110%125%50%115%500% Deliverables -> Respecting Criteria 100%110%125%50%115%500% Timeframes -> Respecting Deadlines 100%110%125%50%115%500% Respecting Conditions Imposed on the Team 100%110%125%50%115%500% Teamwork Reconciling Cultural Differences 100%130%100%50%120%500% Respecting Learning Styles 100%130%100%50%120%500% Reconciling Communication Styles 100%130%100%50%120%500% Reconciling Conflict Management Styles 100%130%100%50%120%500% Reconciling Decision- Making Styles 100%130%100%50%120%500% Overall Performance100%120%112,5%50%117,5%500%