Dr. Barbara Hioco Michael White Lisa McAndrews Melanie Highfill Emilie Gerety Renee Dauer Nate Saari
Jeopardy – Lisa McAndrews Welcome – Dr. Hioco and Michael White What is an Assembly?? – Emilie Gerety What is Integrated Planning? – Marilyn Behringer How is Integrated Planning Relevant? – Melanie Highfill Why do We C.A.R.E.? – Emilie Gerety Who Wants to be a Millionaire? – Nate Saari Summary – Michael White MW
Dialogue within our division! Addressed concerns and accomplishments We C.A.R.E. Reviewed college and department goals Established division goal of evaluation/improving customer service Discussion Boards on Blackboard EG
Requires that institutions “assess progress toward achieving stated goals and make decisions regarding the improvement of institutional effectiveness in an ongoing and systematic cycle of evaluation, integrated planning, resource allocation, implementation and re-evaluation.” “A college must have a point in its decision-making process whereby it considers all of its plans, determines how to align them and which ones it will commit to, determines the sequence in which they might best be achieved, sets priorities, and allocates resources and responsibilities to achieve the needed changes by determined dates.” Source: ACCJC News, Fall 2009
CommitteesPlans Admin. Structure Evaluation PeopleProducts Development and Revision Process Implementation (Action)Assessment & Improvement
Mission Statement Educational Master Plan Strategic Plan Technology Plan College Committee and Grant Plans Staffing Plan Resource Planning College GoalsFacilities Plan Reedley College Plans
The college’s Mission describes the college’s intended student population and the services the college promises to provide to the community. As such, this statement is the touchstone for the entire planning process. ↓ The college uses this statement, as well as the goals developed by the Board of Trustees, to assess its current status and anticipate future challenges in a long-term Educational Master Plan. ↓ This long-term plan is then the driver of the college’s three-year Strategic Plans and its annual Program Reviews. The program reviews include a thorough analysis of each academic and student services program and administrative function, as well as programmatic planning at the unit level. The strategic objectives in the Strategic Plan and the unit plans in the Program Reviews also inform the subsequent editions of the Educational Master Plan; the long-term and short-terms plans reciprocally inform one another. ↓ Resources are allocated based on college-wide strategic plans and unit-level plans, thereby ensuring the college’s forward movement on the college’s strategic objectives that were drawn from the recommendations in the Educational Master Plan and articulated in the Strategic Plan. ↓ Following the allocation of resources, the college mobilizes its resources to implement its plans. ↓ The college assesses progress on the strategic objectives and makes adjustments in action steps as needed to continue the college’s forward movement in fulfilling its mission. Assessment of the outcomes as well as assessment of the planning processes itself is embedded throughout the planning efforts.
Mission Statement Educational Master Plan Strategic Plan Technology Plan College Committee and Grant Plans Staffing Plan Resource Planning College GoalsFacilities Plan Reedley College Plans – development responsibilities All Constituent Groups (C.G.’s), Semi-annually College Council, all C.G., years Strategic Planning committee, College Council, 2-3 years TAC, college council, living document Committees, College Council, Yearly What constituent groups? How often? Budget Committee, C.G., yearly. Executive Cabinet, college council, yearly Facilities Committee, All C.G., years
The College Mission statement is a cornerstone of the Planning Process The Educational Master Plan provides a look at the current and future long-term goals of the college based on the Mission Facilities, Technology, and Equipment Replacement Plans The Strategic Plan and Program Review Process bring planning to the course, program, and service levels for a thorough self-analysis Resources are allocated based on these plans and move the college forward Assessment and analysis help measure progress MH
Why don’t people take the opportunity to participate? Apathetic Busy Not committed Disconnect/disgruntled Don’t see the need Core personality (lazy) Don’t believe Doesn’t make a difference Time Compliant Not part of the job Burn out More valuable to department than college as a whole Individual vs team players Peer pressure creates guilt for having to backfill jobs when gone. Animosity builds when gone Fear of retribution Have family obligations Teaching overload Why do people take the opportunity to participate? Chance to make a difference Interest Type-A Committed Special Interest Advancement Want to be heard Don’t want to be at their job They really care Influencing direction Have impact Be part of decision making High trust of administration EG
1. Light Switch Messages – Important facts regarding integrated planning will be posted each week near the light switches in Student Services departments. 2. Student Services Weekly – A question will be sent each week with the Students Services Pop Quiz – Student Services managers will travel to the various departments to give a “pop quiz”. 4. Student Services Managers – Managers will be given “assignments” to review with their departments at each SSMC meeting. A quiz will be sent out to everyone. 5. Digital Scavenger Hunt – Points will be given to those who can locate items related to integrated planning on-line. 6. POINTS – Accumulated points will be posted on the RC Student Services Blackboard site. We will have a curriculum plan for the fall and spring semesters! A Fall Grand Champion will be announced in January MW
Why are we worried about Integrated Planning? 1. Dialogue 2. Your own personal “integration” into the campus! (What is my role?) 3. “Myth Busting” 4. Accreditation Date of Accreditation Visit: October 2011