Butterworth Gospel Hall Returning to the Old Path of Biblical Headship– Study II. Part 1 – 16 th Oct. Headship in Divine Order The Rights, Roles and Responsibilities of Divine Persons, Parts. 2 & 3 – 23rd Oct. Appointed Headships in… Creation and Redemption Order Parts 4 & 5 – 30 th Oct Home and Church Order
R ECAPITULATION : I. D IVINE H EADSHIP AND O RDER.I Cor. 11:3 II. A PPOINTED H EADSHIPS AND O RDER.I Cor. 11:3 the head of the woman is the man (1) Rights of Man and Woman in Creation. Gen. 1 Headship before the Fall in Gen. 1:26-28 – Man and Women Equal. (2) The Role of Man's Headship in Creation Order. The Headship of Man before the Fall in Gen. 2:18-25 – Man as Head, Woman as Help. The Headship of Man during the Fall in Gen. 3:1-15 – Man and Woman Irresponsible. The Headship of Man after the Fall in Gen. 3:16-24 – Man and Woman Made Responsible:
2. Between Man and Woman in Redemption Order a. The Rights of Man and Woman in Redemption Order. Gal. 3:26; I Jn. 3:1 i. All are children [lit. sons] of God ii. All are of the Same Status - no male or female. iii. All are of the Seed of Abraham. iv. All have faith in Christ. v. All have been baptized into Christ. vi. All have put on Christ. vii. All are one in Christ Gal. 3:26; I Jn. 3:1 Gal. 3:28 Gal. 3:29 Gal. 3:26 Gal. 3:27 Gal. 3:28 viii. All are Christ's. Gal. 3:29
a. The Rights of Man and Woman in Redemption Order b. The Roles of Man and Woman in Redemption Order THE APPOINTED HEADSHIPS IN ROLES: I Cor. 11:3 cf. 15:28 (1) God is the Ultimate Head - that God may be all in all. I Cor. 15:28c And when all things shall be subdued unto Him, then shall the Son also Himself be subject unto Him that put all things under Him that God may be all in all. I Cor. 15:28a (2) Christ is God’s Executive Head - I Cor. 15:28 Then cometh the end, when He shall have delivered up the kingdom to God, even the Father; when He shall have put down all rule and all authority and power. I Cor. 15:24 then shall the Son also Himself be subject unto Him that put all things under Him. 15:28 (3) In the Meanwhile on Earth, Man is Christ’s Representative Head – the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church. Eph. 5:23
THE APPOINTED HEADSHIPS IN REDEMPTION ORDER A. BETWEEN CHRIST AND HIS CHURCH. B. BETWEEN MAN AND WOMAN – the head of the woman is the man. I Cor. 11:3b 1. The Role of Man's Headship in the Home.Eph. 5:22-33 a. As Christ is the Head of the Church, so the Husband is the Head of the wife. Eph. 1:22, 23; 5:23 cf. Col. 1:18 i. To be Reflected in his Relationship with his wife – He is Head of the Home. ii. His Role and Responsibility is to Love her and to Lead - to the extent of... Sacrifice- as Christ also loved the church, and gave Himself for it. 5:25 Self-love- love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself. 5:28, 33 Showing esteem - Honouring his wife, as unto the weaker vessel. I Pet. 3:7 ct. Eph. 5:33 - He is to Nourish and Cherish her. 5:29 The Standard is… even as the Lord the church. Eph. 5:29 cf. 5:32, NIV
a. As Christ is the Head of the Church, so the Husband is the Head of the wife. b. As the Church is Subject to Christ, so is the Wife to her Husband. Eph. 5:24 i. To be Reflected in her Relationship with her husband – She is Subordinate and she Submits. ii. Her Role and Responsibility in Submission as unto the Lord and in... 5:22 Her Recognition of her Lord-given Role - as unto the Lord... in everything5:22, 24 Her Responsibility in Respecting his Leadership – wife must respect her husband.5:33, NIV
c. As Christ is an Example of Submission Himself, for "the Lord's sake" I Pet.2:21; 2:13 Christians are to be subject to God's ordained authorities.- i. The Meaning of Submission for all. I Pet. (hupotasso fr. hupoi = under; tasso = arrange; a military term = to rank under) Submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord's sake. 2:13-15 Servants, be subject to your masters with all fear.2:18 In the same manner, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands.3:1 The holy women.....in subjection unto their own husbands. 3:5 Angels and authorities and powers being made subject unto Him (Christ) 3:22 In like manner, ye younger submit yourselves unto the elder. 5:5 Yea, all of you be subject one to another.5:5b
i. The Meaning of Submission for all ii. The Manner of Submission for the Wife. I Pet. 3:1-6 What Submission does not mean. It does not mean Putting the husband In the place of Christ. cf. I Pet. 2:13, 21 Giving up Independent thought – "Ye wives..." 3:1 Stopping to Influence her husband – be won by.... the wives.” 3:1 Giving In to every demand of her husband – “your chaste conduct” 3:2 (obey, except when it would be sin to obey) Being of lesser Intelligence or competence – she has spiritual Insight, being a believer.
What Submission does mean. * It is an Inner quality of gentleness that affirms the husband's leadership.I Pet.3:4 * It Involves obedience like Sarah's. "even as Sarah obeyed“ 3:6 What Submission does not mean. It does not mean.... Being fearful or timid – “do what is good and never let fears alarm you.”I Pet. 3:6, NRSV Being Inconsistent with equality in Christ – "heirs together“ 3:7 Mutual or totally Interchangeable submission – "Submit" (hupotasso) only of wife. 3:1, 5, 6
c. As Christ is an Example of Submission Himself. i. The Meaning of Submission for all ii. The Manner of Submission for the Wife. iii. The Model of Submission in Sarah and the holy women.I Pet. 3:5, 6 They were submissive to their own husbands.3:5 They "adorned" themselves with the inner man of the heart.3:5 cf. vv. 3, 4 Sarah obeyed and respected Abraham.3:6 Sarah did what was right and was not afraid.3:6 The model remains for all "daughters" of Abraham.3:6
iii. The Model of Submission in Sarah and the holy women. iv. The Meaning of Leadership.I Pet. 3:7. What Leadership does not mean. It does not mean.. Harsh or domineering use of authority – "giving honour..weaker vessel" 3:7 Equal sharing of leadership. No command for husbands to submit. ct. 3:1 Lesser importance of a wife – "as being joint heirs together" 3:7 Always giving in to the wife's wishes – ct. Abraham and Sarah.Gen. 16:2, 5 An option to act.ct. 3:1 Wives, in the same way, (cf. 2:18, 23) accept the authority of your husbands, so that, even if some of them do not obey the word, they may be won over without a word by their wives' conduct. I Pet. 3:1, NRSV
iv. The Meaning of Leadership.I Pet. 3:7. What Leadership does not mean. It does not mean… What Leadership does mean. It is "dwell (ing together)...according to knowledge (understanding)"3:7 It is giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel.3:7 It is giving honour unto the "gunaikeio" = the feminine one. (only occ. in N.T.)3:7
A. THE APPOINTED HEADSHIPS IN REDEMPTION ORDER I COR. 11:3A 1. The Role of Man's Headship in the Home.Eph. 5: The Role of Man's Headship in the Church.I Cor a. The Church is the Extension of the Home.Cf. Eph. 5:24, 25 But the Context of I Cor. 11 is not Extended to the Home: In the Home, i. Father rules. I Tim. 3:4 ii. Husband is Head of the Wife, Eph. 5:23b, 24a iii. Children Obey Parents. Eph. 6:1 In the Church: i. Elder rules. I Tim. 3:4, 5 ii. }Christ is Head (Universal) } Eph. 5:23a, 24b ii. }Man is Head (Local) } I Cor. 11:3 iii. Members "Obey them that have the rule over you." Heb. 13:17
2. The Role of Man's Headship in the Church. I Cor a. The Church is the Extension of the Home. Cf. Eph. 5:24, 25 I Cor. Chs – Context is the Church i. 7 occurrences of "Come together (in the church )" 11:17, 18, 20, 33, 34; 14:23, 26 ii. 10 occurrences of "church/churches" 11:16, 22; 14:4, 5, 19, 23, 28, 33, 34, 35 Thus: I Cor. 11:3 reads: KJV: I would have you know, that the Head (kephale), of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the Head of Christ is God. And Not: NRSV: I want you to understand that Christ is the head of every man (aner), and the husband (aner) is the head of his wife, and God is the head of Christ.
2. The Role of Man's Headship in the Church.I Cor a. The Church is the Extension of the Home. Cf. Eph. 5:24, 25 b. The "Church" is the Exposition of I Cor. Chs c. The Conduct that is to be Exemplified in Church Gathering. As the Church is Subject to Christ, so is the Woman to the Man in the Church. I Cor. 11:2-16 i. The Woman's Relationship with the Man in a Church Gathering. In Representing the Church's Submission to the Lord. I Cor. 11:3,7 cf. Eph.5:24 or Fallen Man ("the woman is the glory of the man") I Cor. 11:7 In Role-playing in the church: In the Symbolic covering of the head.11: 5, 6, 10, 13, 15 In the Responsibility of Learning in Silence and not Leading or Teaching.14:34-35 cf. I Tim. 2:11-15
c. The Conduct that is to be Exemplified … i. The Woman's Relationship with the Man in a Church Gathering. ii. The Man's Relationship with the Woman in a Church Gathering. In Representing Christ's Headship over the Church. I Cor. 11:3, 7 In Role-playing in the church: In the Symbol of the Uncovering of the Head. 11:4, 7, 14 In the Responsibility of Leading and Teaching.I Tim. 2:12-15 iii. The Reason for this Chosen Representation – The Man and the Woman in Creation Order. I Cor. 11 The Man is not of the Woman, but the Woman of the Man. 11:8 cf. Gen. 2:22 The Man was not created for the Woman, but the Woman for the Man. 11:9 cf. Gen. 2:18 The Woman is OF the Man, and the Man is BY the Woman. 11:12
iv. To Reflect the Designated Order. A Refusal to Observe is regarded as… For the Man – a Dishonour to his Head and a Shame to himself. 11:4 - Every man praying or prophesying, having his head covered, dishonoureth his head. 11:14- Doth not even nature itself teach you, that, if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him? For the Woman – a Dishonour to her Head and a Shame to herself. 11: 5, 6, NRSV, any woman who prays or prophesies with her head unveiled disgraces her head — it is one and the same thing as having her head shaved. i.e. Shorn or Shaven 11:6 - For if a woman will not veil (katkalupto) herself, then she should cut off her hair. ct. 11:15 - if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her: for her hair is given her for a covering. (peribolaion )
For a man indeed ought not to cover his head, forasmuch as he is the image and glory of God: but the woman is the glory of the man.I Cor. 11:7 if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her. I Cor. 11:15 Note: no flesh should glory in His presence. I Cor. 1:29
iv. To Reflect the Designated Order. v. To Reflect Decency and Order. I Cor.14:40 For the Man: Orderly Participation and Preaching. I Cor. 14:26-33 Outward Public Prayer and Teaching. I Tim. 2:8, 12 For the Woman: Symbolic Subordination. I Cor. 11:10 Silent Submission in Learning. I Cor. 14:34, 35; I Tim. 2:11-14 vi. To obey the Commandments of the Lord. I Cor. 14:36-38 cf. 11:2, 23 It is the Custom of All Churches. I Cor. 11:16; 14:33b cf. 1:2 It is to Reflect our Declaration of Obedience … Not a Case for Contention by any person.I Cor. 11:16
Recapitulation. 1) Spiritual Headship is Attested to: a) With Physical Order. Cf. I Cor. 14:33, 40 b) With Personal Obedience. Rom. 13:1-3 cf. Heb. 5:8; Phil. 2:8 2) Submission to Headship is Acknowledged a) By Fulfilling God's Ascribed Relationships. b) By Functioning in God's Appointed Roles.
3) Symbolic Headship is to Attend Spiritual Headship a) Cf. The Baptism: The Symbol of Identification with Christ.Rom. 6:3-6 b) Cf. The Bread: The Symbol of Representation. i) For the Literal Body of Christ.I Cor. 11:23, 24 ii) For the Mystical Body of Christ.I Cor. 10:16 c) Cf. The Cup: The Symbol of the Blood of Christ. I Cor. 11:25 Hence, the Sign of Headship is the Appointed Uncovering of the Representative Head's head. I Cor. 11:7, 14 And the Sign of Submission is the Appointed Covering of the Subordinate's Head. I Cor. 11:6, 10
Conclusion: CHRIST, THE HEAD OVER ALL THINGS. I Cor. 15: )He must be Head over ALL His Church. 15:23 (Note: "the order") 2) He must be Head over ALL rule ALL authority and power15:24 3) He must be Head over ALL His enemies.15:25, 26 4) He must be Head over ALL things.15:27 5) He must subject Himself to God as Head Who put ALL THINGS under Him, THAT GOD MAY BE ALL IN ALL I Cor. 15:28