Scales: The Untold story… Scales, changed my life!!!
Making them “Teacher friendly” Chapter/Unit scales Notebook based vs. posting on board/wall Templates for cutting and pasting Use existing objectives/learning goals in two easy formats Formative assessment built into document, easy for teacher and student to use
SCALES – Key points Allows teacher an easy way to document formative assessment in the classroom(teachers track growth) Allow students to evaluate their progress using a notebook scale(students track growth) Allow feedback on effectiveness of lessons Establish a shared norm for courses or grade levels to define mastery and comprehension
The key is to take existing learning goals in present in a more user friendly format for evaluation.
Identify the physical characteristics and the human characteristics that define and differentiate regions (e.g., climate, terrain, resources) (e.g., religion, government, economy, demography). Describe the factors and processes that contribute to the differences between developing and developed regions of the world. Use geographic terms and tools to analyze case studies of regional issues in different parts of the world that have critical economic, physical, or political ramifications (e.g., desertification, global warming, cataclysmic natural disasters). Use geographic terms and tools to analyze case studies of how selected regions change over time. Use geographic terms and tools to analyze case studies of debates over how human actions modify a selected region (e.g., mining, drilling, farming, housing). Standard 2: Understand physical and cultural characteristics of places.
stacking vs. sorting Two styles Allows for formative Assessment by students and teachers
stacking vs. sorting Starting with score of one paste 2-3 learning goals Add 2-3 more learning goals to each box in the scale Sort your learning objectives by levels. Only add additional goals as you go up each level.
Key words for sorting Label Define Recall Analyze Design Synthesis Describe Explain Identify Compare/contrast Draw conclusions Develop
stacking vs. sorting
Geographers can list the 5 major world religions and can compare and contrast significant characteristics of those faiths using content vocabulary. 1.0 Geographers can map the source areas, diffusion patterns and spatial distribution of the major religions and can describe the cultural landscape of each. 2.0 Geographers can locate the source areas and spatial distribution of minority faiths, describing the unique traits characteristic to those groups and explain the concepts of secularism and fundamentalism as found in the globalizing modern world. 3.0 Geographers can identify, locate and discuss real-world contemporary examples of religious conflict; analyze them to determine whether they are interfaith or intrafaith and explain the actual underlying cause of the conflict and the potential political impacts of these issues. 4.0 AP Human Geography Sample Scale
How do scales help students to “self- evaluate?” The scales allow students to do a self check to see if they understand the material They can determine areas that students need to seek additional help on from the teacher They can easily track their own growth and progress. They can also see how to take responsibility for their own success. Think of it like a Publix shopping list every time they master a concept it’s like placing an item in your cognitive shopping cart. They simply check it off their list.
I don’t always use scales but when I do I use Marzano!