Teams Dale W. Bomberger D.ED. ACSW Community Services Group Dale Cell Phone: 717-579-7962
TEAM Not just working together Must want to be on a team Get right people
TEAM Small energetic group of people, committed to a common purpose – collaboratively applying complimentary skills to achieve high quality performance goals
Work Team A work team is a group of employees who share common work responsibilities and who make a commitment to work together to achieve goals, solve work problems, and make improvements in the work place.
When to Use Projects when responsibility of decision needs to be shared When diverse opinions, knowledge and expertise need to be used High degree of independence is wanted Members willing to give up a bit of ego
Advantages 1. More information More approaches and points of view – opinions More participation and commitment Can learn from each other More interaction and stimulation
Advantages More creativity and innovation Fun Improved decisions Empowers members More confident in ability - Provides for synergy
Negatives More chance for disagreement Conflict Need to tolerate differences More dependence on others to do their part More pressure toward conformity More competition
Touchstones of Creating a Team Choice Common Purpose Caring Commitment
Touchstones of Working as a Team I + you = We Who are We? = Common Purpose Who are You? = Caring Who am I? = Choice What are we going to do? = Commitment
Team Formation More than just assigning tasks to people Requires intentional thought and effective approach #1. Set team purpose #2. Identify Leadership #3. Set purpose & mission #4. Set ground rules for conflict, members roles, communication, procedures etc.
Team Formation #5. Set goals – measurable, objectives, deadlines, etc. #6. Assign tasks – check progress
Phases in Team Development Bruce Tuckman 1965 Forming Storming Norming Performing
Phases Forming - Get to know one another How leader leads – What members are to do – learning to fit in – how to add value – Leaders should be dominant at this Phase At this stage need to direct team – set clear goals & objectives for team and team members
Phases Storming – Push and shove against boundaries conflicts may arise - challenge authority – want own way – see how far they can go – clarify roles – This phase is where many teams fail. At this stage set policy and procedure – build trust and good relationships – Resolve conflicts – look at different styles, conflicts, personalities
Phases Norming – resolve differences – appreciate others strengths and support Respect authority and direction – learn to know each other and become one team – socialize together and form relationships – become committed At this stage let members take responsibility – Leadership may change, whoever has the expertise takes over the leadership for that task.
Phases Performing – achieving goal – little friction – work together as team – leader can delegate and let team do what they want and how they want – people who join and leave do not disrupt performance. Team runs on its own. In this stage most can be delegated to the team – Team may run itself and does not need much leadership
Team Review Values Goals Roles Procedures Relationships
Effective Teamwork 1. Everyone participates 2. People listen to each other 3. Team members have common goals 4. Team goals are clear to all 5. People enjoy working together
Effective Teamwork 6. No one dominates or monopolizes 7. Disagreements are openly discussed 8. The team can deal with conflict or differences of opinion 9. People feel free to say what is on their minds
Effective Teamwork 10. Team members are cooperative and supportive 11. Everyone respects each other’s point of view 12. The team stays focused 13. Decisions are made collectively 14. Everyone assumes responsibilities
Effective Teamwork 15. The team can get the job done and have a good time doing it.
Ineffective teamwork 1. Lack of common direction 2. Lack of commitment 3. People do not communicate with each other 4. Unequal participation 5 Some people dominate
Ineffective Teamwork 6. Conflicts cannot be solved 7. Team members are defensive 8. There are cliques and subgroups 9. People do not respect each other 10. There is no sense of accomplishment
Ineffective Teamwork 11. People cannot rely on each other to follow through 12. Decisions are not made as a group
Disruptive Group Behavior 1. Putting others down 2. Stubbornly disagreeing and opposing beyond reason 3. Calling attention to self and holding teams attention 4. Bring up and dwelling on unrelated issues
Disruptive Group Behavior 5. Goofing –off 6. Dominating 7. Manipulating 8. Withdrawing 9. Being passive aggressive
Disruptive Group Behavior 10. Nit-picking 11. Gossiping 12. Acting unprofessional