Response of African Nightshade Species (ANS) to Organic, Mineral Fertilization and Bio-Protection Measures Supervised by; 1. Prof. John Kimenju 2. Dr. Emmanuel Ariga 3. Dr. Cecilia Onyango Done By; Pauline M. Ndwiga Reg. No. A56/64387/2010
OBJECTIVES OVERALL OBJECTIVE To identify strategies of producing high yields and good quality African night shade vegetable SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES To evaluate thirteen African nightshade species for performance. To assess the efficacy of plant extracts for pest control on two African nightshade species To evaluate organic amendments for the control of plant parasitic nematodes of two African night shade species.
MATERIALS AND METHODS EXPERIMENT I Evaluating African night shade genotypes on performance Thirteen African night shade genotypes planted in plots of 2m by 2m and a spacing of 30cm by 15cm. Experimental design; Split plot design Location of experiments; Open field environment Treatments; DAP and CAN, Farmyard manure, No fertilization Data collected; Plant height, yield.
EXPERIMENT 2 Assessing the efficacy of plant extracts for pest control on two African nightshade species Experimental crop; Two African night shade genotypes planted in plots of 2m by 2m and a spacing of 30cm by 15cm Experimental design; Randomized complete block design Treatments; plant extracts of garlic, pepper, a mixture of the garlic and pepper, abamectin and no spray Data collected; Pest population, efficacy of the treatments. Location of experiments; Open field environment.
EXPERIMENT 3 Evaluating organic amendments for the control of Nematodes of two African night shade genotypes Experimental crop; Two African night shade genotypes planted in pots (three plants per pot). Experimental design; Randomized complete block design Treatments; chicken manure, cow manure, nematicide and no Treatment Data to be collected; Percentage (%) increase or decrease of nematodes in each treatment. Location of experiments; Green house environment
Results Expt. One Plant height vs. time Plant height (cm
Plant height,Varieties and treatments Varieties Plant height (cm)
Discussion The results indicates that ANS require fertilization in order to achieve better yields. The yields significantly increased with application of fertilization.
Plan to completion E xperiment 1; Data analysis to be completed by 10 th Aug 2012 Experiment 2 ; Data analysis to be completed by 17 th Aug 2012 Experiment 3; To be set up on 30 th July 2012 and end in 21 st Sept 2012 (8 weeks) Compiling data and writing up to end by Sept 2012