FOOD IMPORTS/EXPORTS IMPORT : $40.8 billion Tobacco, Chocolate, Fish EXPORT : $61.7 billion Bananas, Coconuts, Rum, Canned Tuna, Beverage Concentrates -------------------------------------------------------------------------
COMMON DISHES * TRADITIONAL DISH - Hearty gumbo made w/ either chicken or shellfish (Asopao)
COMMON DISHES * APPETIZER & SOUP - Soup: Chicken soup w/ rice ( sopon de pollo con arroz) - Appetizer: Crescent shaped turnovers filled w/ lobster, crab, conch, or beef (Empanadas)
COMMON DISHES * DESSERTS - Some form of custard or sweet potato balls w/ coconut, cloves, and cinnamon - Classic is coconut bread pudding - Preserve and jellies
COMMON DISHES * MAIN DISHES - Puerto Rican beef stew (Carne guisada puertorriquena) - Staple of many Puerto Rican dinners (Meat pies) - Fried beef steak with onions - Veal - Calf brains, calf kidneys, stuffed beef tongue - Barbecued pig (Lechon asado) : Festive Island Dish
COMMON DISHES * DRINKS - Strong, black, aromatic Puerto Rican coffee (finishing meals) - Entirely proper to order a cold beer before looking at the menu - National Drink : Rum
MAJOR COOKING UTENSILS *Wooden Mortar -used to grind, mash, or crush herbs, ingredients, and seasonings * Coffee Maker * Coffee Strainer * Achiotera -a container used to store annatto oil with its seeds * Authentic cast -pots and pans
MAJOR COOKING UTENSILS * Filling Tostonera -used for making filled tostones with meat, chicken, or shrimp * Tostonera -used for making tostones * Puerto Rican paper for pastels
TRADITIONAL/ RELIGIOUS FOOD CUSTOMS * CHRISTMAS - Christmas Eve (Noche buena) ~ Family and friends get together for festivities and traditional foods of lechon asado & pasteles
TRADITIONAL/ RELIGIOUS FOOD CUSTOMS * CHRISTMAS - New Years Eve (Despedida de Ano) ~Some people eat one grape at every chime for good luck
TRADITIONAL/ RELIGIOUS FOOD CUSTOMS * TRADITIONAL HOLIDAY FOODS - Main Dish: roast pork served along with arroz con gandules, platanos and pastels - Beverage: Conquito ( made using coconut milk and rum)
TRADITIONAL/ RELIGIOUS FOOD CUSTOMS - Dessert: 1. rice cooked w/ spices, sugar, milk, and coconut milk (Arroz con dulce ) 2. custard made w/ cornstarch, sugar, and coconut milk (Trembleque)
POPULAR DISHES * APPETIZERS - Stuffed yuca fritters (Alcapurrias) - Deep fried salt cod (Bacalaitos) - Green bananas with spicy sauce (Guineitos verdes en salsa aji-li-mojili) - Stuffed pastries (Pastelillos) - Fried plantains (Tostones)
POPULAR DISHES * SOUPS - Chicken stew (Asopao de pollo) - Chicken soup with rice (Sopon de pollo con arroz) - Root vegetable stew (Sancocho) * SALAD - Shredded salt cod w/ capers and olives (Ensalada de bacalao)
POPULAR DISHES * DESSERTS - Coconut pie (Pastel de coco) - Coconut pudding (Tembleque) - Carmel custard (Flan de leche) - Latin rice pudding (Arroz con dulce) - Lime pie (Pastel de limon verde)
POPULAR DISHES * BEVERAGES - Coffee with milk (Cafe-con-leche) - Beer (Cerveza) - Fruit shakes (Batidos) - Rum (Sugarcan liquor)
VIDEO #1 & #2 http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=abHiArkkd ug http://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=plpp&v=G31s49nZ_7 o&p=PLvmU8RD9v_nT9oMK5riWqFhVlxMMfHXI3
WORKS CITED Import/export : http://www.topuertorico.org/economy.shtml Food: http: //www.topuertorico.org/culture/foodrink.shtml Christmas: http://www.elboricua.com/traditions.html Popular dishes: http://www.whats4eats.com/caribbean/puerto-rico-cuisine- menu Cooking utensils: http://www.elcolmadito.com/usinstcocina.asp