Fall 2013 Update
Membership Why do 5,000 language educators belong to AATG? networking collaboration awards and recognition scholarships honor societies student trips abroad webinars professional development and CEUs seminars and workshops national advocacy reduced rates on teaching materials the AATG/ACTFL Annual Convention Your membership now runs a full 12 months from your renewal date!
Coming in November! AATG’s new ONLINE COMMUNITY Community
Webinars Professional Development comes to you! Musik im Deutschunterricht Mohamed Esa Connecting German to the Common Core Linda Zins-Adams Incorporating Switzerland into the Curriculum Karin Baumgartner Attracting and Retaining Students from Underrepresented Groups Megan Brazle and Jennifer Lusk Designing Thematic Instruction Angelika Becker 20 On-Demand Webinars And more!
ACTFL Convention and World Languages Expo Join us in Orlando for the largest professional development event for language teachers! Over 70 sessions for German teachers! AATG Awards! Special Cultural Event!
Summer Seminars 2014 A wide variety of offerings Landeskunde Österreich: Klischee und Vorurteil Kompetenzentwicklung in der Kommunikationsstrategien, Präsentationstechniken und Aussprachetraining Meeting Tomorrow’s Needs Today in College German Programs MINT-Fächer im DaF-Unterricht
AATG Discussion Forum and Jobs List The Discussion Forum connects you with colleagues and provides a venue for useful and helpful discourse on teaching German language and culture. The Jobs List connects you with German teaching positions at all levels of instruction.
Awards Outstanding German Educator Award recognizes excellence in teaching and outstanding contributions to the German teaching profession. Awards are presented to: an elementary, middle school or junior high school educator; a high school educator; and a post-secondary educator. Friend of German Award recognizes exemplary leadership in the advocacy of German and German language education at the local, regional, or national level. Awards are presented to an individual or organization outside the German teaching profession, as well as to a German educator. Goethe-Institut/AATG Certificate of Merit recognizes achievement in furthering the teaching of German in the US. German Embassy Teacher of Excellence Award recognizes up-and-coming teachers who may have started a new program or revitalized an existing one, and contribute to their AATG chapter. Nominations due May 31, 2014
National German Exam Revised The National German Exam will continue to be offered for Level 2, Level 3, and Level 4 The NGE is comprised of 100 questions divided into two sections: Section I assesses listening and viewing and consists of 40 questions. Section II assesses reading and text completion and consists of 60 questions. NGE items are based on authentic resources with vocabulary focused on self, family, daily life, school, chores, travel, and hobbies.
National German Exam Revised Questions Level 2 Authentic resources New question types
National German Exam Revised Questions Level 3 Video resources Students can view multiple times
National German Exam October 1Free Level 2, 3, and 4 Practice Exams Online November 1Deadline for ordering exams for December testing December 1Deadline for ordering exams for January testing December 2 to January 15Late registration period for ordering exams December 2 to February 1Exam administration period February 20Exam scores sent electronically March 1Application deadline for AATG/PAD Study Trip Award Important Dates
National German Exam Recognizing Success!
German Summer Study Program 3 Week Homestay Study at a German Gymnasium Excursions Chaperoned by AATG members AATG Handles all Details Application Deadline: April 1, 2014 Program costs = $3,695 Scholarships available! Earlybird price $3,395
National Honor Society for German Delta Epsilon Phi for High School Junior Delta Epsilon Phi for Middle and Junior High School Epsilon Phi Delta for Community College Recognizing Student Excellence
Great Items in the AATG Store
Show your Pride! AATG Lapel Pins and Polo Shirts
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Important Dates Date due Nominations for state/regional language association awardsDates vary R.S.V.P. Chapter Presidents AssemblyOctober 10, 2013 Appoint 2014 Chapter Testing ChairOctober 15, Chapter Project ReportsDecember 15, 2013 Annual report, meeting minutes, treasurer’s reportMarch 15, 2014 AATG Executive Council nominationsMarch 15, 2014 AATG Award NominationsMay 31, Chapter Project ProposalsJune 1, 2014 Chapter Officers RosterAugust 1, 2014