How many figures can you identify in this painting? What do you think the message is? What are the problems for historians in using this image?  starter.


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Presentation transcript:

How many figures can you identify in this painting? What do you think the message is? What are the problems for historians in using this image?  starter activity

How much did Edward take after his Dad?? TBAT explain the changes made to the Church during Edward VI's reign To judge how much Edward VI changed the Church  LOs  Key words: Protestant, Catholic, Reformation

A tug of war took place between Catholics (old religion) and Protestants (new, reformed religion) at the end of Henry’s reign and into Edward’s reign. Study the sheet and highlight which side won the different events of the Reformation.

 Your task Use pages of Renaissance, Revolution and Reformation Use pages of Renaissance, Revolution and Reformation Write a list of the changes that Edward VI made to the Church. Write a list of the changes that Edward VI made to the Church. Number the top five most important changes Number the top five most important changes Label any which you think are a continuation of ideas started during Henry VIII's reign with 'Co.' for 'continuity' Label any which you think are a continuation of ideas started during Henry VIII's reign with 'Co.' for 'continuity'  What challenges would his sister, Mary face when she became Queen?  What challenges would his sister, Mary face when she became Queen? Edward VI, Who does this portrait remind you of, and why?

 Your task Role play. Work in groups of 4 or 5. Imagine you have been asked to transform a traditional church into one that a Protestant would have approved of. Give your church a Tudor makeover. Try to use as much of the technical vocabulary you have learned in your role play.

SatisfactoryGoodWow factor The role play involves the most of the group They refer to a 3 key changes Edward made to the Church The role play involves the whole group The group performs confidently and explains the changes made to the church They include at least 5 examples of technical vocabulary The whole group is involved The whole group performs confidently and explain the changes made to the Church There are more than five examples of technical vocabulary, e.g. rood screen, altar, pulpit, stained glass, crucifix, robes They explain the changes to the services, e.g. emphasis on the Bible and the sermon, simpler services, no Pope

You have been asked to write an inscription for Edward’s headstone. Write a short description of his life & in particular the changes he made to the church. You have been asked to write an inscription for Edward’s headstone. Write a short description of his life & in particular the changes he made to the church.  Write your inscription from one of these perspectives: a supporter of Henry VIII, a supporter of Mary Tudor  Write your inscription from one of these perspectives: a supporter of Henry VIII, a supporter of Mary Tudor

Plenary Plenary What was the Church like at the end of Henry’s reign? What was the Church like at the end of Henry’s reign? Examples of changes Edward introduced Examples of changes Edward introduced How much had the Church changed by 1553? How much had the Church changed by 1553?  If Edward had lived longer what else would he have changed?  If Edward had lived longer what else would he have changed?

 Extension. Who was the ‘Nine Days Queen’? Find out and try to explain what is happening in this picture.