By: Sam Y.
Introduction People that that the shell of a sea turtle is just like a crab but it’s archly part of the body. Sea turtles are millions of years old, before time to now. If you want to learn more about the diet, life cycle, and more.
Physical description The sea turtle looks like a brown and green T.V sized slimy reptile. It goes on land at night and eats at day. The sea turtle is a water, and salt water reptile. It has millions of sea turtle sepses that had turtles and tortoises.
Habitat The ocean is the sea turtles habitat. The weather does not change because it is close to the equator. The oceanic is colorful and exciding. The Sea turtle can hide in coral when a shark comes its back looks like the deep floor. It swims at the ocean floor or a little higher.
Diet My animal is an omnivore. The Sea turtle eats jellyfish, shrimp, fish, and earth worms. The sea turtle munches all-day. The sea turtles diet can change every day. It is skinny when baby and fat when adult form. They leave there babies and just leave them until they can find there mom.
Life cycle The sea turtle life cycle is like the humans, it’s just that they hatch and grow bigger than humans. They can live up to years old. The sea turtle starts out gray and brown to brown and green. Humans can kill sea turtles by taking them from the ocean and keeping it as a pet.
Closing paragraph The sea turtle dies is It dies in the middle of the ocean or on land where enemies attack sea turtles and sea turtle babies. Sea turtle die on their back in there shell. The sea turtle has six major enemies’ sharks, killer whales, humans, coyotes, big birds, other reptiles