Flocab 3 and Gothic Literature Tyler, Basel, Jack, Salman
Persevere Verb To persist in anything undertaken Syn. Pursue Ant. Stop The man persevered to achieve all of his goals.
Latent Adjective Present but not visible, apparent, or actualized Syn. Unrealized Ant. Public His latent abilities were revealed during the championship.
Burgeon Verb To grow or develop quickly Syn. Flourish Ant. Die The flower burgeoned much to his surprise.
Diligent Adjective Constant in an effort to accomplish something Syn. Persistent Ant. Disinterested Her diligent work led to her promotion.
Paragon Noun A model or pattern of excellence or of a particular excellence Syn. Exemplar Ant. Flawed He was the paragon athlete.
Commodious Adjective Spacious and convenient Syn. Extensive Ant. Confined The apartment was commodious enough for two people.
Clairvoyant Adjective Having or claiming to have the power of seeing objects or actions beyond the range of natural vision Syn. Telepathic Ant. Blind Her clairvoyant visions made people think she was psychic.
Cosmopolitan Adjective Free from local, provincial, or national ideas, prejudices, or attachment Syn. Cultured Ant. Specific The cosmopolitan town was located 80 miles from any other civilization.
Vast Adjective Of very great area or extent Syn. Immense Ant. Bounded His vast knowledge was only rivaled by computers.
Voluminous Adjective Of great volume, size, or extent Syn. Bulky Ant. Meager The box was voluminous.
Gothic Literature Dark Menacing Twisted Came from Gothic architecture Cathedrals, irregularly placed towers, high stained glass windows Inspired awe and fear in religious worshippers
Gothic Literature Inability to overcome perversity by rational thought Rational ideals in irrational situations Fear of the unknown or future Almost synonymous with dark romanticism
Gothic Literature Imagination led to unknown Saw evil when looking at the individual
Edgar Allen Poe Wrote about murder, live burials, physical and mental torture, and retribution from beyond the grave. Only in these extreme situations did people reveal their true nature.