By: Raygen Newton Georgia
Georgia State symbols Georgia state quarter Georgia state flower is Cherokee Rose State insect is swallowtail butterfly State reptile is Gopher turtle State gem is quartz
Georgia state flag Georgia's newest flag was designed in May, 2003 it has three horizontal stripes, red, white, and red, with a blue square in the canton position (the upper left area of the flag). In the blue square is a circle of 13 white, five pointed stars around the seal of the state of Georgia (pictured in yellow).
These are Georgia’s border states Alabama Tennessee Florida South Carolina North Carolina
Atlanta is the state capitol This is Atlanta up close Georgia has 159 counties Atlanta state capitol
Average max temperature (F) Average min. Temperature(F)-8f Average Total Precipitation(in.)50.8 inches Average Snowfall (in.)0 inches The Temperature In Georgia
Georgia’s Economy Agriculture: Georgia’s top 5 products are boilers, cotton, cattle, calves, and peanuts. Manufacturing: They add value to raw products, proses food and beverages, they rank 3 rd in transportation, and build aircraft. Services: Services are very important to Georgia, and there is a lot of business.
Georgia’s Almanac Georgia got admission for their state was January 2, 1788 and Georgia was 4 th to get admission. Admission: Population: Is now 8,186,453. Highest point:Is 4,784 feet Lowest point: Is sea level.
Georgia’s Geography Blue Ridge Appalachian Plateau