Reptiles By Andre and Austin
Reptilians Today we will talk about reptiles ( reptilians.) Other people, like scientists, call them reptilian.
What are reptiles and how are they different Reptiles are animals with scales for skin.A frog may look like a reptile but it is an amphibian because it does not have scales.
Habitat Some are from the water, desserts, rainforests, trees, and in caves. rainforests Actually there is no specific habitat for reptiles they can live almost anywhere but anywhere near Antarctica. They are cold blooded so they can create their own heat in the cold. But their habitat must have heat and protection. They would be seen on a rock warming them selves by the sun.
Habitat pictures
Reproduction Some reptiles lay eggs and others give birth. When the reptile is laying the egg this called Oviposition. Oviposition Reptiles that give birth are called viviparous or viviparity. A female who carries eggs are called gravid. A reptile needs a mate in order to reproduce.
Viviparity Viviparity is when a mammal gives birth to live young. Viviparity is different to all birds and most reptiles. When reptiles have this they start to get more aggressive and eat a lot more. The offspring usually stays inside the mother for maybe 2, 3, or 4 months.
Oviposition Reptile eggs have different days until hatching but most take years. It depends on the kind of reptile because some can lay 1 to 100 eggs. eggs Reptiles lay about When a reptile is pregnant the mother has the tough part. The mother would be attacked even more. They would have to lay the eggs in a warm place like any other animal.
Food and Eating They eat rats, rodents, other reptiles, birds, insects, arthropods, and eggs. rodents Snakes have to digest bigger objects very slowly then spit it out. For herbivores ( mainly turtles and tortoises ) they eat leaves and insects. Omnivores are just like both herbivore and carnivore diets. Reptiles do produce urine because people wouldn’t notice the wet stuff on the dung.
MORE ABOUT FOOD AND EATING!!! If a snake sees bigger prey they first bite it to put a hole in the skin, then release poison so it could travel into the skin, that’s the time when they eat the prey. They don’t chew, they just swallow.
Skin Reptiles at least shed their skin once a month. shed Their skin are covered with layers of scales. They have something on their scales called keratin. keratin Snakes for example are covered with keratin.
Keratin We have this on our skin right now and everywhere. These are found on hair, hooves, skin, and etc. These are like Monera and Protists because these have one cell as you can see here in this picture They are extremely strong so if you try to break one it would just stay still. Most Keratin on your skin is dead and falls off your skin and a new one is created. If the keratin layer is damaged this will cause your skin to look very unhealthy.
Digestion Reptiles can easily digest meat but with any other food it will be hard for them to digest.( well for some other reptiles they slowly digest) If you noticed reptiles lack teeth (excluding alligators and crocodiles) so that’s why they can digest meat easily. They eat pebbles to help digest their food.
Reptile examples: Here are two reptiles that are very poisonous. Python Taipan
Boa Constrictor The boa constrictor is one of the largest snakes in the world with the Reticulated Python and the anaconda. It doesn’t have any venom but it can squeeze you to death… They use their tongue to smell for their prey. The have heat sensitivities to catch prey in the dark. Even they are one of the largest but it is one of the beautifully coloured snakes.
Tortoise The tortoise is bigger than a regular turtle.
Fun Facts The green anaconda is the most heaviest snake in the world because it can weigh about 500 pounds. Baby reptiles can speak to call for their mother. Most reptile eggs are left behind except for alligator eggs the mothers take care of them. The king cobra is the most dangerous and intelligent reptile in the world. People say a turtle is a mollusk. WRONG!!! Turtles have backbones, so they don’t belong with the mollusks. mollusk
Pass I will pass a fake/toy snake.
Bibliography not that reliable )
THE END Hope you guys learned something about reptiles. We hope you had a absolutely super duper wonderful day!