Our friends the Reptiles!!! Baja Rock Lizard Green Iguana Face Amethystine Python Three-toed Box Turtle
Shared Characteristics Complete life cycle is on land…first type of animal to adapt to land life. Ectothermic Skin: 1.Covered in scales 2.Dry and thick 3.Prevents loss of moisture and protects from predators. Legs: 1.Underneath body 2.Used to walk on land more effectively 3.Claws used to dig and catch prey
More Characteristics Respiration: 1.Lungs Only…skin is too thick to breath through. Nervous System: 1.Sense of smell is excellent 2.Detect changes in air temp. by using heat sensor (i.e. Snakes) Circulatory System: 1.Most have a three-chambered heart 2.Some have a 4-chambered heart (crocodile) a. This provides an efficient amount of energy to survive on land. Separates Oxygen rich blood from blood with little oxygen.
Reproduction and Food Reproduction: 1.Sexual Reproducers 2.Lay eggs on Land a. Eggs are amniotic, having a hard covering with nourishment to the embryo on the inside. Food: 1.Have teeth and jaws 2.Many are plant eaters or herbivores (Turtles) 3.Carnivores are the rest (snakes, lizards, alligators, and the Komodo Dragon….what do you think these can eat?)
Types of Reptiles…a diverse group Turtles and Tortoises…(what is the difference between the two????) Crocodiles and Alligators Lizards Snakes.