Private Limited Companies ‘LTD’, 2013 Year 10 Business Studies
What do YOU see?
Learning Objectives £To know what ‘LTD’ stands for ££To explain 2 advantages and 2 disadvantages of being a ‘LTD’ £££To discuss how a ‘LTD’ is set up
Business Ownership so far… 1) Joe the Window Cleaner 2) Partnerships 3) McDonalds Next type of ownership suitable for an entrepreneur…to become a ‘LTD’
What is an ‘LTD’? Burrs LTD Imagine….your wildest dreams come true…Miss B leaves teaching to set up her own business…cake baking No to Sole Trader, Partnership and Franchise Doesn’t like the idea of ‘Unlimited Liability’ At the same time, she wants her business to expand in the future…she will need a lot of finance She reckons she has some wealthy family who could be persuaded to invest in her company for a share of any future profits Limit the risk to her investors…also known as….? Limited Liability – means they would only lose what money they put into her company
Who owns a private LTD company? Shareholders, BUT Shares in a private limited company are not available to general public Shares can be a way of raising capital
Creating a Private LTD Company Business goes through a process called Incorporation to gain LIMITED LIABILITY. Business = Company, which will have a separate legal identity, i.e. if Miss Burr dies, her company can still be sued in court and remain in existence. Prove to the authorities (Government and Companies House) the business is operating properly and is secure.
Examples of Private Limited Companies Bennetts Funerals Directors Ltd Hearing Solutions Limited CVS International Ltd
Limited Liability All shareholders have limited liability What is limited liability? Who are the owners?
Should we be an LTD?
What are dividends? A dividend is what the shareholder receives from the companies profits The more money an individual puts in, the more dividend they receive BUT, the company may decide not to pay a dividend and keep the profits in the business
Plenary Activity GOOD spelling and punctuation are important in buisness! Why? READ through the paragraph of text about why spelling and punctuation are important in business – try to SPOT all the mistakes!