Gray Wolves By Gabby Mikhalev
Introduction Wolves, wolves, wolves. Have you ever seen a gray wolf? Wolves are very close to the dog family. I’m going to tell you about their adaptations, habitats and the foods they eat.
Adaptation These adaptations help the gray wolf survive. First wolves need sharp and pointy teeth to get food for their families. The second thing is wolves have very good hearing. The ears help them listen for food.
Habitat and family Do you want to know about different wolves families and their habitats.They also live in packs. After they have pups, they dig a den for them. They are also a very interesting mammal.
Food Did you know that wolves eat many different kinds of animals? They eat caribou, beaver and other small animals. They hunt for food in packs. They get food in packs because it is easier to get their prey. Their teeth rip through the animals skin. Some wolfs get food even if they are sick or hurt.
conclusion I wonder what it would be like to have a pet wolf? I hope I can see one in person some day!
Resources Book Gray wolf by Emilie leputhien Book Mammals by Time life kids student library Book Wolves by Michael George