Red Wolves By Samantha L Red wolves are an endangered species. We should protect these species.
Facts F Scientific Name- Canis Rufus F Family- Canidae F Habitat- Forest, swampland, and prairie. F Size- head/body- up to 4.3 ft tail- up to 17 in tail- up to 17 in female is smaller than male female is smaller than male F Weight lb F Diet- rodents, rabbits, deer, hogs, crayfish, and carrion. F Related- gray wolf and the coyote
History of the Red Wolf The red wolf was abundant throughout the country when the Europeans came. The people were scared so they shot, snared, trapped, and poisoned them. They cut down their habitats and plowed the prairies where the coyotes lived. The coyotes and the red wolf mingled so there wasn’t one pure bred red wolf left. The Europeans put them in harsh swamp areas so half the pups died of hookworm infections and the adults died of mange and heartworm. So they took the remaining red wolves into captivity and bred the healthy ones. After quite a few years they released them back into the wild in Florida, South Carolina, and North Carolina. The red wolf is now becoming a true species.
Conclusions F Refrain from killing them F Put them in a wild life preserve F Stop cutting down their habitats
Help The Red Wolves!