A wonderful world of biomes By: Grace Finazzo
Rainforest Biome rainforest climate is very humid, the rainforest gets an average of 3 meters of rain a year and is Located in south America, Africa and Asia. A toco toucan have a large beak and nests in trees to stay alive. The jambu tree grows up to 20 feet tall and blooms twice a year. Adaptations: the toco toucan is able to adapt to man made areas when their habitats are destroyed. The jambu tree adapted to the animals that ate its food by growing their branches close to the ground so the animals can eat its fruit. plant_page.htm
Deciduous Forest Biome Deciduous forest mostly in Europe and the eastern half of the United States. Don’t receive as that much rain and are not that hot. Made up of many different trees. The duckbill platypus is half the size of a house cat and Make sounds such as growling and clucking to scare off predators. The guelder rose mainly found at the edge of the woods these Flowers are a snowy white color. Adaptations: the duckbill platypus has hollow spurs on their ankles the hold venom for protection. the guelder rose is invasive so it will take control of another plants space for sunlight. s.org/deciduous_animal_pa ge.htm rg/deciduous_plant_page.htm
Grassland biomes Grasslands found mainly in Midwest America and are made up of many different kind of grasses,in the grasslands trees are found by lakes and rivers. The bobcat has a round face with erect ears with little black tufts and jump on their prey and bite their necks until they die. The purple cone flower is purple with a red center, the purple cone flower is used for helping fever and infections. Adaptations: the bobcats fur is camouflaged to blend in with the biome. The bobcats ears are swiveled for a good sense of hearing. rg/grasslands_animal_page.ht m htm
Taiga biome Covers most of Canada and Russia. Many of the trees that are found In taigas have needles, taigas are cold and dry. The gray wolf is three too five feet tall. They are carnivores, so they eat meat and are very good hunters. The white spruce is tall and cone shaped, this tree is not white but an evergreen color. The Needles are used to hold in moisture. Adaptations: the gray wolves fur is made out a wooly material that keeps moisture out. the white spruce can grow in cold places. e.ht page.htm
Desert biome The desert is very hot, many deserts are colder at night and deserts receive less than 25 centimeters of rain/snow. The thorny devil is a very spiny creature. They are a total length of twenty centimeters. They hide in shrubs to stay safe. The crimson hedgehog cactus is barrel shaped with many stems. This plant has no leaves, the blooms only last for three to five days. Adaptations: the thorny devil covers its body with soil to stay warm during cold nights. the crimson hedgehog cactus uses the cool night air to exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide. age.htm _page.htm
Tundra biome Tundra's are a very cold biome with very little rain, tundra's are found in the most northern part of the world. The ground is frozen so it is hard for plants and trees to grow. The arctic fox's has short legs and a bushy tail. They are about ten to sixteen inches long and eat both plants and animals. The Labrador tea is a leathery green color and at the end of each branch is a cluster of white flowers. They spreads on the ground forming a carpet. Adaptation: the arctic fox’s fur changes color for camouflages. the Labrador tea is slightly poisoned at some parts of the flower so animals don’t eat the. m org/tundra_animal_page.htm
References Rainforest Biome Deciduous Forest BiomeGrassland Biome Taiga BiomeDesert BiomesTundra Biome