Born Free
Endangered species Not endangered species African elephant Precaucasian leopard Giant turtle Emperor dragonfly Grey heron Polar bear Wolf Fox Hare Chimpanzee White shark Сuckoo
desert polar region rainforests wetland grassland forest Black bear lives in the forest
Zoos or Natural habitats Where will animals survive better?
Vocabulary survive [s ə 'va ɪ v] educational [ ˌ e ʤ u'ke ɪʃ ( ə )n( ə )l] act [ækt] drawback ['dr ɔː bæk] recreate [ ˌ ri ː kr ɪ 'e ɪ t] cage [ke ɪʤ ] environment [ ɪ n'va ɪ ə r( ə )nm ə nt] выжить образовательный вести себя недостаток воссоздать клетка окружающая среда
survive educational act environment recreate drawback cage danger endangered species argument for and against