1 Update on SB The Stony Brook Crew
2 QE Reproducible in Addn’l Test Excellent QE again (basically identical). Excellent QE again (basically identical). Era of good QE production as the principal concern still over. Era of good QE production as the principal concern still over. Working focus is maintaining QE after production. Working focus is maintaining QE after production.
3 Coping with Glove Box Costs Initial Glove Box Quotes too high. Initial Glove Box Quotes too high. Change to purged air-lock. Change to purged air-lock. Adapt Protocol for smaller box. Adapt Protocol for smaller box. Change 1: Change 1: GEMS Vacuum after testing. GEMS Vacuum after testing. After enough good GEMs made, retask the glove box to installation. After enough good GEMs made, retask the glove box to installation. Change 2: Change 2: Laminar hood for GEM Evap Box Laminar hood for GEM Evap Box Removes this task from Glove Box. Removes this task from Glove Box. New bids match $53k quote on smaller/purged air-lock box. New bids match $53k quote on smaller/purged air-lock box.
4 $$$ redux. Craig Woody & Co. have redesigned transparency monitor saving costs (see Craig’s talk). Craig Woody & Co. have redesigned transparency monitor saving costs (see Craig’s talk). Socoro placing order with sole source letter. Socoro placing order with sole source letter. Advice: Stress compatibility and inter- changeable parts with existing spectrometer, Advice: Stress compatibility and inter- changeable parts with existing spectrometer, Overall reconsideration of costs in MRI Overall reconsideration of costs in MRI Should allow $53k box to be purchased within existing funds. Should allow $53k box to be purchased within existing funds. Still we’ll live lean after purchase. Still we’ll live lean after purchase. New Bid process was out the door Tuesday this week. New Bid process was out the door Tuesday this week.
5 INFN Glove Box (failsafe plan) Failsafe only (hopefully don’t need). Failsafe only (hopefully don’t need). The gloves are home made design. The gloves are home made design. Suggestion from local company: “ If you buy our smallest diameter 36” long glove and cut it to 20” long, to fit mounts you have.” Suggestion from local company: “ If you buy our smallest diameter 36” long glove and cut it to 20” long, to fit mounts you have.” Leak tests (Vlad) show that the leaks are primarily bad design: Leak tests (Vlad) show that the leaks are primarily bad design: Threads on most all bolts leak. Threads on most all bolts leak. One bolt missing (leaks like wind). One bolt missing (leaks like wind). Possible to seal with Vacuum grease? Possible to seal with Vacuum grease? Not the favorite option: Not the favorite option: Could be sealed. Could be sealed. No air-lock. No air-lock. Mechanical changes to swap gloves. Mechanical changes to swap gloves.
6 Laminar Table Installed Tested and works! Tested and works! Moved from “Room 7” to tent. Moved from “Room 7” to tent. Just big enough for Evap Box. Just big enough for Evap Box. Dramatically increased dexterity for handling GEMs prior to CsI deposition. Dramatically increased dexterity for handling GEMs prior to CsI deposition. Costs for new filters slightly below our estimates in new budget (~80% of estimate). Costs for new filters slightly below our estimates in new budget (~80% of estimate).
7 Vacuum Storage Box New flanges for ends made. New flanges for ends made. Came in at estimated cost. Came in at estimated cost. Still needs flange for turbo. Still needs flange for turbo. We’ll get pump (free) in a couple of weeks when Pietralla no longer needs one of the multiple beam lines he’s using. We’ll get pump (free) in a couple of weeks when Pietralla no longer needs one of the multiple beam lines he’s using.
8 Local Miscellany Procedures: Procedures: Updated, well understood. Updated, well understood. GEM plate for Evap Box: GEM plate for Evap Box: Design finished Design finished In the shop (CNC). In the shop (CNC). Lift table for handling Evap Box. Lift table for handling Evap Box. SB Railroad (concept done). SB Railroad (concept done). Bids resubmitted (WILL fit). Bids resubmitted (WILL fit).