Table of contents The Strangest Walk Disappearing Family Nick Figures It Out Calling The Police man Back Home
CHAPTER 1 One day Nick, Dink And Olivia were taking a walk and when they just entered the woods they saw a sign. Neither Nick, Dink or Olivia could read it they went inside and saw a fake mummy. “Hey”, said Nick “I saw the last word ZONE on that sign, the sign should have been mummy zone”. Dink and Olivia looked at each other and then started laughing. “No serious”, Nick said. Dink and Olivia looked at each other The Strangest Walk 1
again and then they said, “let’s run to our house”. Dink, Nick and Olivia started running to there house in the way they got tired. They sat in a bench and waited for a taxi to arrive. As soon as a taxi arrived it was 6:11 and when they arrived at there house it was 7:11 because there was so much traffic. Dink knocked on the door. They waited for more than 3 minutes, nobody opened. 2
CHAPTER 2 Olivia took 10 cents out of her pocket. “Olivia”, said Nick “what are you doing” ? Olivia said that she will buy a tent and live in the mummy zone. “ Good idea”, said Nick. Nick, Olivia and Dink ran to buy a tent. When they got a tent they went strait to there new home, the mummy zone when they set up he tent and finished eating in the tent suddenly the zipper slowly opened and Disappearing Family 3
a mummy peeked in and said, “hello”. The mummy sounded, looked like there mom. Other mummies looked like there dad, aunt and uncle. Nick told them that the mummies looked a lot like there family so they might be there family. Olivia said, “are you going nuts?”. Nick didn’t answer so there was a lot of silence. Nick broke the silence and said, “ Dink is right”. So the kids ran to the mummies. 4
CHAPTER 3 Nick tripped a man and got up and started running again. The man was holding a tissue box and looked like a mummy he also had the same kind of paint that they saw on the sign. Nick knew that his family were not turning into mummies, the man wrapped them up in tissue paper so Nick, Dink and Olivia untangled there family and gave a high-five to each other. ”YAY”! They all yelled and there Nick Figures It Out 5
family gave them a kiss. And there family told them that that man wrapped them up so they needed to scare him by choosing a tree, building a fire place under the tree and hang the man on the tree but not to drop him inside the fire. The family worked together to do that. They hung up the man and told the man “will you do that again “? No the robber answered them so they let the robber free and he fell SMACK! on his head. They decided to teach him a lesson. 6
CHAPTER 4 The family called the police man and the police man didn’t know were that was so they made a huge fire and it took about 1 hour for the policeman to come to mummy zone. The police man told the robber to clean the tree that he painted on MUMMY ZONE. The robber did as he was told and then flew inside the police car. The police had a conversation with the robber while he was driving to jail. Calling The Policeman 7
CHAPTER 5 Olivia, Nick and Dink got a huge treat when they got home the other day. It was anything they wanted. Just then the lights turned off and there was a cake. Olivia turned off the candles so she got to have a wish. Olivia wished for having another mystery to solve but Nick and Dink didn’t want but Olivia’s wish came true and if you want to know what was the other adventure you’ll have to read the next book, The Invisible Garden! Back Home 8
About The Author The author's name is Omar Abdel Kader and he lives in Alexandria, Egypt in Lumumba Street in the 3 rd floor. His dad was ahead of the building. He went to a school called Schutz American School. He was born in December 1 of Here is a picture about Omar Abdel Kader when he was 8: