The Miracle Booking Tablet with Andrea Hosking, Senior Director New Plymouth, NZ
Coaching = Success with Marcela Ramirez, Director Melbourne, AUST
Great Hostess Coaching = Great Rendezvous Results
Poor Hostess Coaching = Poor Rendezvous Results
STEP 1 Arrive minutes early to every Rendezvous Set up a simple but GORGEOUS display Remind your Hostess what rewards she is aiming for and the Rendezvous results in order to qualify – encourage TEAM WORK ‘Market research’ the guests with your Hostess Greet guests, learn their names and make sure they’re comfortable Reassure your Hostess that her guests will all have a great evening!
STEP 2 START ON TIME! Introduce yourself and tell your story…
TELL YOUR PERSONAL STORY How did you first hear about Le Rêve? Had you sampled the products before? What did you think when you started using the products? What were you doing before you started your Le Rêve business? What prompted you to become a Le Rêve Consultant? Did you have any doubts? If so, how were they overcome? How has your life changed since you started your Le Rêve business?
STEP 3 Sow the first booking seed… Thank your Hostess and present her Hostess Voucher Introduce Hostess Rewards and Hostess-only Range Show Theme Parties
STEP 4 Bring the products to life! Ensure your product demonstration is interactive and FUN Encourage everyone to comment on the products Create the desire to purchase a Set Saver
STEP 5 Sow the second booking seed… Give everyone a Hostess Voucher Do a big sell on the Hostess Rewards especially Platinum Offer Star Booking Gifts and invite guests to make a date and time for their own Rendezvous
STEP 6 Sow the business opportunity seed… Play the sponsoring DVD – ‘Did You Know?’ Do a little business talk – make sure you personalise it
STEP 7 Set up your office and invite guests that need to leave first See each person in turn and record details for future business Help guests with their wish-list and order Ask the customer if she would like to commit to a booking or perhaps find out more about the business opportunity Do your calculations and announce the success of the Party Thank the Hostess again and help her with Hostess Shopping Finally…