Rise of Dictators Please pick up a packet and have something to write with. Thank you for coming today, I am glad to see you. We will begin a very interesting and dark time in US/World History
Pre-view about our research O You will be going to the library 4/7-4/17. O You will have 3 days of research. O You will be asked to work on your own outside of these times if you will need more time to complete your project. O I will share more details as we get closer. O You will be able to explore the topics around the Holocaust that you are interested in. O It is framed around providing evidence that the Holocaust happened to those that do not believe.
Test on material next week O Please use all pages of your packet to study for a test that reviews the material. O Test next week will cover everything in this packet, a little of the 1920s and a little of the 1930s. O I will provide a review packet for you at the end of the week.
What should you know and be able to do after class today? O The four dictators of pre-ww2 Europe. O What is a dictator? O What is aggression? O What does is mean for one country to appease another? O How did the European countries appease Hitler prior to WW2? O The systems of government, beliefs, tactics used, outcome for Soviet Union, Germany, Italy and Japan O Vocabulary : dictator, appeasement, totalitation state, collective farm, aggression, chancellor, Nazi, Aryan, Fascist party, concentration camp, annexed, alliance, nationalism,
What should you be able to do? O Define vocabulary words, complete cloze format with word bank provided, O Match important people/ dictators of ww2 with their descriptor, O Match chronologically the event with the time period on a timeline provided. O Explain with evidence and details the common connection and similarities between the four dictators O Chart findings on the Soviet Union, Germany, Italy, and Japan with the catagories of dictators, system of government, beliefs, tactics used, outcome of said tactics using more than one source of information with non-fiction text.
Your tasks in the next 30 minutes with an elbow partner O Please read pages 1-3 – on your own O With the partner: O Answer vocabulary pages 4-5 O Complete page 6 – who am I O Complete timeline with facts for page7 O Please come and show Mrs. Wenk when done. O Answer sheet to check work will be provided
As you watch the video please record the answer to any question listed on the page O America in the 20th Century: World War II: The Road to War O Try to fill in information about each of the dictators from the chart. O You can use the packet to help.
Dictator – Hero or wanted poster- go visual ! O With your elbow partner, give a visual poster of a dictator of your choice O Make the poster as if the dictator was a hero… or is he a “wanted criminal” O Include details to help us remember this person