Meeting Interreg SYSIASS project 27 th January 2012 Part-financed by the European Regional Development Fund 1
Part-financed by the European Regional Development Fund Project Management Financial aspects o 2 Progress Reports /year o Dead lines: 1 st March and 1 st September o Important o Project activity report: filled in by the LP with all partner contributions o Original filled in and signed by each partner and his FLC o Partner financial report (paper + excel files + pdf version) o List of expenditure (red cells filled in) (paper + Excel files) o FLC checklist (paper + pdf version) o Certificate of validation of the expenditure (paper + pdf version) o Filled in and signed by LP o Project financial report controlled by the LP FLC o Timesheets 2
Part-financed by the European Regional Development Fund Project Management Financial aspects 3 JTS LP PP 1 st Level Control The project activity report* The project financial report* The partner financial report* FLC Checklist Partner FLC Certificate *pre-filled by the JTS before each reporting period The partner financial report FLC Checklist Partner FLC Certificate The signed and filled in partner financial report The filled in list of expenditure FLC Checklist Partner FLC Certificate First Level Control The both signed and filled in partner financial report The approved list of expenditure Signed FLC Checklist Signed Partner FLC Certificate Control (KPMG) The both signed and filled in partner financial report The approved list of expenditure Signed FLC Checklist Signed Partner FLC Certificate Paper & electronic version Project financial report Partner financial reports Partner FLC Certificates Electronic version Project financial report Partner financial reports List of expenditure Partner FLC Certificates Project activity report project financial report partner financial reports