A&W Office Supply Contract
A&W Contacts Office Office Phone Fax Marcus Pantoja – Account Manager Marcus Pantoja – Account Manager Ph# Pgr# Phone Ronda Glenn – Customer Service Rep. Ronda Glenn – Customer Service Rep. Phone Driver(s) Driver(s) Joe Garcia – Warehouse Mgr. / Driver Tomas Salinas – Driver
A&W Background A & W Office Supply, Inc. was founded in October It was founded by the Wittner family believing in the premise of acquiring excellent products and providing superior service for their customers. That belief still holds true today. The Wittner family has been supplying South Texas with office related products and supplies for over 40 years in a variety of different capacities. A & W Office Supply, Inc. was founded in October It was founded by the Wittner family believing in the premise of acquiring excellent products and providing superior service for their customers. That belief still holds true today. The Wittner family has been supplying South Texas with office related products and supplies for over 40 years in a variety of different capacities.
Contract Highlights Same Internet ordering system used by Jones & Cook with minor changes Same Internet ordering system used by Jones & Cook with minor changes Some part number changes Some part number changes Lower cost alternatives Lower cost alternatives New Desk Top Delivery Service New Desk Top Delivery Service New procedures for “Receiving” & “Returns”. New procedures for “Receiving” & “Returns”. Invoicing procedures stay the same except Purchase Orders. Invoicing procedures stay the same except Purchase Orders. Employees will receive the same discount for personal items at the store. (Show your I.D. badge) Employees will receive the same discount for personal items at the store. (Show your I.D. badge)
Internet Ordering System Same system with minor changes. Same system with minor changes. Most User Names and Passwords stay the same. You will be notified prior to the start date. Most User Names and Passwords stay the same. You will be notified prior to the start date. The location of some of the functions are located in a different area of the screen. The location of some of the functions are located in a different area of the screen.
Multiple Accounts If you have more than one account you must change the “Department” and “Attention” for each order. If you have more than one account you must change the “Department” and “Attention” for each order. We can setup a default for the account that you use the most. We can setup a default for the account that you use the most. The “Department” number will stay the same for “direct entry”. The “Department” number will stay the same for “direct entry”. The “Attention” field has changed from a number to your last name. The “Attention” field has changed from a number to your last name.
Order Entry Options Quick order / View cart is now View Cart. Quick order / View cart is now View Cart. Use this option when ordering a couple of items. Use this option when ordering a couple of items. Watch for unit of measures – Paper is available by the ream or by the case. Watch for unit of measures – Paper is available by the ream or by the case. Multi Item Quick Order is now Quick Order. Multi Item Quick Order is now Quick Order. Use this option for long lists of items to be ordered. Use this option for long lists of items to be ordered. Review the order for unit of measures before submitting. Review the order for unit of measures before submitting.
Part Number Changes Items that started with “UNV” will have replacements starting with “SPR”. Items that started with “UNV” will have replacements starting with “SPR”. A cross reference list will be available. A cross reference list will be available. You will need to manually enter your favorites list. You will need to manually enter your favorites list. Print the screen from Jones and Cook. Print the screen from Jones and Cook.
Lower Priced Alternatives Look for items that are marked as “Contract”. Look for items that are marked as “Contract”. These items have the best discounts and represent the most popular items. These items have the best discounts and represent the most popular items. The “Contract” link on the left of the screen is a new feature that has been added. This is an index search. The “Contract” link on the left of the screen is a new feature that has been added. This is an index search. Look for other items that are marked as SPR, LLR, CCS, ELI or ITA. Look for other items that are marked as SPR, LLR, CCS, ELI or ITA. These items are private label alternatives and have lower costs than the name brand equivalents. These items are private label alternatives and have lower costs than the name brand equivalents.
Restricted Items The same items will be restricted from ordering on-line and will require a purchase order. The same items will be restricted from ordering on-line and will require a purchase order. Contract pricing may be obtained by contacting customer service. Contract pricing may be obtained by contacting customer service.
Question & Answer Internet System
Desk Top Delivery A&W driver will deliver to your location. A&W driver will deliver to your location. Receiving Receiving Returns Returns Invoicing Invoicing
Deliveries A&W will be delivering all orders directly to your location. A&W will be delivering all orders directly to your location. Importance of having accurate information. Importance of having accurate information. Make sure somebody is available since most items will be delivered the next day. Make sure somebody is available since most items will be delivered the next day. Alternate delivery locations. Alternate delivery locations. We will establish a delivery schedule that should have the least impact on your daily business. Initially orders will be delivered the next afternoon. We will establish a delivery schedule that should have the least impact on your daily business. Initially orders will be delivered the next afternoon.
Question & Answer Desktop Deliveries
Receiving Whenever possible – items are to be checked at the time of delivery. Whenever possible – items are to be checked at the time of delivery. Driver will handle discrepancies found with a delivery except if you ordered the wrong item. Driver will handle discrepancies found with a delivery except if you ordered the wrong item. If there are circumstances where items can not be checked at the time of delivery then they must be checked within 3 days of receipt. If there are circumstances where items can not be checked at the time of delivery then they must be checked within 3 days of receipt. Store items in a secure location until they are checked to prevent department personnel from removing anything. Store items in a secure location until they are checked to prevent department personnel from removing anything.
Sample Invoice / Packing List
Question & Answer Receiving Procedures
Returns Returns will handled at your location. Returns will handled at your location. Do not send them to Central Receiving. Returns terms and conditions Returns terms and conditions Non-conforming, damaged or defective goods may be returned to Seller within 30 days for an even exchange or full credit. Catalog goods in condition for resale and in the original packaging may be returned for full credit within 30 days. Catalog goods returned after 30 days or returned without their original packaging shall have a restocking fee of 25% of the invoice price. Special orders in condition for resale and in their original packaging may be returned within 30 days. The restocking fee will vary according to the manufacturer but shall not exceed 15%.Special orders in condition for resale and in their original packaging may be returned within 30 days. The restocking fee will vary according to the manufacturer but shall not exceed 15%.
Returns (cont.) Notify A&W via on the website if you have something to return. Notify A&W via on the website if you have something to return. Provide the following information when you contact A&W: Provide the following information when you contact A&W: Invoice number, reason for return, name and phone number. Invoice number, reason for return, name and phone number. Save packages until you are sure that the item will meet your needs. Save packages until you are sure that the item will meet your needs.
Returns (cont.) The A&W driver will have a Customer Return form at the time of pickup. The A&W driver will have a Customer Return form at the time of pickup. Save a copy for your pending credits file. Save a copy for your pending credits file. We will NOT be using ETR’s. We will NOT be using ETR’s.
Sample Return Pickup Form
Question & Answer Return Procedures
Invoicing Invoicing will be handled the same as it is now except for Purchase Orders. Invoicing will be handled the same as it is now except for Purchase Orders. File the invoice provided with the items. File the invoice provided with the items. Do not send to Purchasing or the Business Office. Do not send to Purchasing or the Business Office. If the items were purchased with grant funds you may be required to provide a copy for auditing purposes. If the items were purchased with grant funds you may be required to provide a copy for auditing purposes. Weekly statements will be provided to budget managers. Weekly statements will be provided to budget managers. Match the statement to invoice copies for accuracy. Match the statement to invoice copies for accuracy. Confirm credits have been issued. Confirm credits have been issued. Budgets are affected by Thursday the week after an item has been delivered. Budgets are affected by Thursday the week after an item has been delivered.
Invoicing – Purchase Orders You will receive a additional copy of the invoice for your files. You will receive a additional copy of the invoice for your files. Send one of the original invoices to Central Receiving via campus mail. Send one of the original invoices to Central Receiving via campus mail. Make sure the signature is legible. Make sure the signature is legible.
Sample invoice from A&W
Sample Weekly Statement
Question & Answer Invoicing Procedures
Recap The On-line portion is basically the same. The On-line portion is basically the same. All orders will be delivered directly to your location by an A&W driver. All orders will be delivered directly to your location by an A&W driver. Look for lower cost alternatives. Look for lower cost alternatives. Verify items when they are delivered whenever possible. Report discrepancies within 3 days. Verify items when they are delivered whenever possible. Report discrepancies within 3 days. Returns within 30 days and keep packaging. Returns within 30 days and keep packaging. Invoicing stays the same except PO’s. Send to Central Receiving. Invoicing stays the same except PO’s. Send to Central Receiving. Key contacts – Ronda, Marcus and Kevin Key contacts – Ronda, Marcus and Kevin
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