The Hotspot simulation Lessons learnt over ten years of using technology in environmental science teaching John Maskall, SoGEES, University of Plymouth Mike Sanders, GEES Subject Centre
Presentation structure What is Hotspot? Program demonstration Intended benefits Potential pitfalls Implementation in the curriculum Student experience Lessons learnt
What is Hotspot?
Intended benefits Personalised Flexible Interactive Enjoyable Challenging Visual
Potential pitfalls Authenticity Security Usability Reliability Sustainability Accessibility
Implementation Week Introduction Literature review (scrapyard) Field day (lead mine) Practical session 1 (formative/lead mine) Feedback on literature review Practical session 2 (summative/scrapyard) Prepare SI report Lecture series
Student experience
Lessons Learnt Success of Hotspot is attributed to: –Program closely aligned to learning objectives –Content informed by staff research interests –Technology used within a sound pedagogical framework –Curricular delivery anticipated at the earliest stages of design –Blended with other teaching approaches to take the best from all worlds –Availability of resources to maintain/adapt software
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