Todays talent, tomorrows energy Annette Thomas UK Business Development Director OPITO – The Oil & Gas Academy
OPITO - The Oil & Gas Academy The Industrys focal point for skills, learning & workforce development Working in collaboration with: Employers: to understand their needs and deliver against them Learning providers: to link industry to the organisations that can best equip it with its safe, skilled and effective workforce Education: to help secure the industrys feedstock of new recruits, now and in the future Partnership Organisations: to add value and deliver mutual benefit in supporting the industrys learning needs
Geese – fade through Random ActivityFocussed Activity
Providing the focus Potential Talent Employers Needs Skilled Workers Learning Supply Chain Build relationships & understand issues from different sources: Top down approach Bottom up approach Work in three distinct areas: Learning provision Education Partner organisations Target & develop key demographics: Transitions/transferable skills College/University Graduates School leavers Key aim – increase availability of: Safe, skilled & effective workforce
The Oil & Gas Life Cycle The activities that drive the requirement for people, skills and competence onshore and offshore throughout the supply chain ExplorationAppraisalField DevelopmentProductionDecommissioning
Oil Products Other Business Activities i.e. Wind, Wave, Hydrogen and Fuel Cell. ChemicalsGas & PowerExploration & Production Energy Companies provide fuel for transport and electricity and oil and hydrocarbons for the development of everyday products from chemicals to plastics The Energy Industry
Shooting seismic to image the subsurface – precise positioning is vital Marine Vessel towing streamers that contain hydrophones: Air guns emit signals – travel through water – into the Earth – through strata – return to hydrophones – recorded as seismic data The seismic data is then used to image and map the subsurface Geologists & Geophysicists
Shallow Geo – Hazards How flat is the seabed? How hard is the seabed? Obstacles or debris Seabed surveys – Design, Acquisition and Reporting: What are the major hazards for positioning a rig, structure or pipeline? Geographers & Surveyors
Installations: Positioning and navigation support Pre decommissioning surveys Hazard notification Post decommissioning surveys Updating of infrastructure databases Pipelines and Cables: Positioning and navigation support Monitoring adjacent infrastructure integrity Post decommissioning survey inspection Updating of infrastructure databases Decommissioning
Technology & Innovation
Companies employ environmental scientists to look at how energy industry activities might affect plants, animals, fish and birds before any development can take place on land or under the sea. Renewable energy effectively uses natural resources such as sunlight, wind, rain, tides, crops and geothermal heat. All of which are naturally replenished. Environmental Scientists
Current Talent
Golden Egg/ticket (conclusion) Take your golden ticket……and be the GEES with the golden egg! Any Questions?