S&I Public Health * We will start the meeting 3 min after the hour March 31 st, 2015
This meeting is being recorded and un-paused and will be available via the wiki *Please mute your phone when not speaking to assist with background noise.
Logistics As a reminder, please mute your phone when you are not talking to the group. When speaking, please say your name before making your comment. You can ask questions by unmuting or by using the “Chat” feature on the web meeting. To find the “Chat” feature, look for the “Chat” bubble at the top of the meeting window. From S&I Framework to Participants: Could you please explain how the terminologies are used in this instance? All Panelists CQF Wiki: cqframework.info 3 Send your “chat” to All Panelists in order to ensure the comments are addressed publicly. This meeting is being recorded. Should you need to take another call, please leave the meeting and rejoin (i.e., please do not put the meeting line on hold).
S&I Public Health Contact Information ONC Public Health Lead: Daniel Chaput CDC Public Health Lead: John M. Saindon CDC Project Coordinator: Julie Lipstein CTR PHTT Wiki Page PHTT Wiki Page: SDC Wiki Page: DAF Wiki Page: CQF Wiki PHRi Archived Wiki Weekly PHTT Meeting Info (Tuesdays): Time: 2:00pm - 3:00pm EasternMailbox: URL: Dial-In Number: Access Code:
Announcements Updates –Nationwide Interoperability Roadmap comment period ending this Friday April 3 –NPRM Stage 3 Released more information at –NO PHTT Meeting next week April 7 Next meeting April 14, but poll for attendance due to HIMSS –PHTT Education Meetings Tomorrow Weds April –Presenters: Col. Carol Fisher and Dr. Julie Pavlin –
PHTT Education Committee Next education meeting – Wednesday April 1 st eastern –“Backgrounder on Military Health Surveillance” –Col. Carol Fisher and Dr. Julie Pavlin – DHA –Abstract: The Defense Health Agency's Public Health Division supports the move from a military health care system to a system of health by focusing on prevention, while the Armed Forces Health Surveillance Center serves as the central epidemiological resource and a global health surveillance proponent for the U.S. Armed Forces. This presentation will summarize the Defense Medical Surveillance System (DMSS), Operation of the DoD Serum Repository, Electronic Surveillance System for the Early Notification of Community-based Epidemics, and other all-hazards health surveillance capabilities.
Today Report out of the Workgroup developing Marketing Materials and canned presentation Discussion of the Public Health Business Need
A Shared Nationwide Interoperability Roadmap Connecting Health and Care for the Nation: A Shared Nationwide Interoperability Roadmap Draft Version 1.0 – – Public comment period ends at April 3, 2015 at 5PM. Discussed in detail at the Joint HIT Committee Meeting 2/10/2015 (ongoing during this meeting) –
Principles of Interoperability
2015 Interoperability Standards Advisory Of particular interest –Section II: Best Available Content/Structure Standards and Implementation Specifications –Section III: Best Available Transport Standards and Implementation Specifications –Section IV: Best Available Standards and Implementation Specifications for Services