Intervention Plans for Tier 3 Intervention 2011
Quick Overview of Intervention Tiers of Intervention
Tier I : Interventions provided by the general educator for Mathematics during class time devoted to the essential curriculum. –This is a first course of action. Interventions include placement/grouping decisions linked to differentiated instruction. Tier II: Interventions which students complete in fewer than 18 weeks that require additional resources over and above the general education program for Mathematics. Pull-out/Tutoring. –In addition to appropriate placement and differentiation, some students may require additional limited assistance in meeting some of the standards of the essential curriculum.
Tiers of Intervention Tier III: Interventions that require 18 weeks or more to help students meet enrolled grade standards. –Some students require more intensive assistance to meet the standards of the essential curriculum. These interventions are longer in duration and often require additional staff and resources. Tier IV: Interventions reserved for use in response to specified goals on an IEP –Individuals with disabilities may receive interventions provided in Tiers I-III. However, there are students who require different or more intensive services as described in those students’ IEPs in order to meet enrolled grade standards.
Tier 3 Intervention iLearn MWM and FASTTMath
Moving With Math Online Assessment –Pre-Assessment –Benchmark –Post-Assessment Workbooks –6 th and 7 th Grade 3 IM books (green) –8 th Grade 5 MH books (purple)
Moving With Math
Objectives correlate to the online assessment and the VSC Manipulative based Hands-on activities
Moving With Math IM Level (green books) –Number, Reasoning, & Data –Fractions, Decimals, Percent & Probability –Geometry, Measurement, & Graphing MH Level (purple books) –Number, Reasoning, & Data –Fractions and Decimals –Percent and Probability –Geometry and Measurement –Algebra
Moving With Math Tier IV
What is iLearn ® Math? iLearn ® Math is a web-enabled math curriculum that provides everything needed to learn math. The instruction is delivered by "smart" software that manages the entire instructional process.
What is iLearn ® Math? iLearn ® Math has a built-in assessment and course management feature that automatically determines what instruction is needed, delivers the instruction, and keeps track of the results. It gives the user just the right amount of instruction and practice necessary to insure understanding and retention of the concepts being taught.
What is FASTT Math? Helps students with quick recall : Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division
What is FASTT Math? The FASTT Math intervention program uses the research- validated FASTT system (Fluency and Automaticity through Systematic Teaching with Technology) to help all students develop fluency with basic math facts. FASTT Math assesses all students to uncover fluency gaps and to establish a baseline of fluency for each student. Then, FASTT Math automatically differentiates instruction in customized, 10-minute daily sessions. FASTT Math ensures that all students, regardless of their fluency level, build the long-lasting fluency they will need to tackle higher-order math.
What is FASTT Math? 1.Placement 2.Adaptive Instruction 3.Independent Practice 4.Operation Mastery
Why 3 programs for Math Skills in Intervention? iLearn is to help fill in math gaps as far back as needed on an individualized basis MWM objectives are just below grade level and some on-grade level FASTTMath helps only with quick recall of multiplication facts
MWM FCPS Approach to MWM
Daily format: 90 Minutes every other day TimeActivity 10 min Warm-Up - use MWM warm-ups 40 miniLearn (&FASTT math) 30 minMoving With Math Lesson 5 min Cool Down - use FCPS cool downs by indicator
Daily format: 90 Minutes every other day w/ comp Group 1 Group 2 Time Activity Time Activity 10 min Warm-Up - use MWM warm-ups 40 miniLearn (&FASTT math) 30 minMoving With Math Lesson 40 miniLearn (&FASTT math) 10 min Warm-Up - use MWM warm-ups 30 min Moving With Math Lesson 5 min Cool Down - use FCPS cool downs by indicator
Daily format: 45 Minutes every day Day 1 iLearn Day 2 MWM Time Activity Time Activity 5 min Warm-Up - use MWM warm-ups 10 min Warm-Up - use MWM warm-ups 35 miniLearn (&FASTT math) 30 min Moving With Math Lesson 5 min Cool Down - use FCPS cool downs by indicator 5 min Cool Down - use FCPS cool downs by indicator
Parts to MWM Online Assessment –Assesses whole program Teacher Book: –Lessons that correlate to each objective on the book-level pre-assessment –Assessment –Reproducible Masters
FCPS and MWM Scope and Sequence Chart
FCPS and MWM Lesson Planning Guide
MWM Lessons Warm-Ups: Reviews Lesson Math Practice (in student workbook) Extra Practice ( Skill builders in back of teacher book ) Games (in lesson area) Journal Prompts ( in student books ) Sum it up! ( in student books )
Where do I start? Start with first book: –IM1 (6 th and 7 th grade) or –MH1 (8 th grade) Give Pre-Assessment for that book Complete chart of student needs Begin appropriate Lessons
iLearn Computer training –Self paced –The web address is: –You will receive your log-in soon
iLearn helpful suggestions Notebook for the computer Pencils Rewards for certain levels Reports
FASTTMath We (tech and I) need to log students into the program– this will happen through your Math Specialist –You and your Students will then get log-in information