Using Websites to boost revision
Website Based Revision – Do’s Do use it as a way of breaking up your revision into manageable chunks Do make use of the various ways information in presented e.g. audio clips, videos, quizzes, animations etc Do make sure that the online content is specific to your course
Website Based Revision – Don’ts Don’t use it as your only way of revision. Sometimes doing exam questions is the only way of learning! Some websites have a lot of games. These can be great but often don’t cover subjects in detail. Jump between subjects – try to focus on one at a time.
A really useful starting point
The Big Daddy of them all – BBC Bitesize Text, quizzes, videos and audio clips.
Languages Websites for French/Spanish as recommended by Miss Mann (ask your teacher for the username and password) Choose 'Intermediate' level. Use to revise vocabulary on all key topic areas. Use to revise GCSE listening and reading tasks. Use to revise the main tenses, as well as vocabulary.
Science – Thanks to Mr Credali for these I've forwarded this to the science staff too in the hope of avoiding repetition. 3&prev=03&tabid=1 3&prev=03&tabid=1 this one is for core science (Yr 10) and for additional science (Yr 11). It has copies of past papers and mark schemes for the Yr 10 and Yr 11 exams. Yr 11 need to be doing Additional Science - unit 2 exams in Biology, Chemistry and Physics. There are about 8 of each to try. This next one is the tried and trusted BBC bitesize Yr 11 are doing AQA additional science. The biology, chemistry and physics are split nicely into about four topics each. Each topic is then subdivided into two to four sub-topics with a' revise', 'activity' and 'test' for each. They are also categorized as foundation or higher.
Thanks to Mrs Millward for this. Religious Education asedonchristianityandislam/ asedonchristianityandislam/
English ult.htmhttp:// ult.htm Miss Parker says… BBC Bitesize’ is helpful for English Literature revision. Students need to be selective with the appropriate literature texts that they have been studying in class. It is also helpful for the poetry section (section C) of their literature exam.
Design and Technology
History history/shp/ history/shp/ Students should access SHP course from the choice
Using mind maps -
The dangers of relying too heavily on websites The lost army of Fu Shi s/gcsebitesize/games/lostar my/index.shtml Distractions!! ‘Shallow’ learning Not specific to syllabus