CIA TEAM C urriculum, I nstruction, and A ssessment Presented by Gayla Arrington, Lynn Brown, Mary Beth Mitchell, Kristin Turner, Ethel Tuttle, Carrie Jane Williamson & Casey Wolfe - Team/Department Outcomes Course Outcomes Unit Goals - Lesson Plan Objectives Curriculum Standards Prioritized Standards
What is the ACE Collaborative? A sustained professional development approach that seeks to strengthen curriculum, instruction & assessment by: Promoting collaboration among teachers (professional learning communities, or teams) Providing a common language & structure Fostering a culture of continuous improvement
Implementing the ACE Collaborative: ACE/Notre Dame Provide common language and structure through summer workshops & academic year visits (fall/spring) Disseminate resources to support principals, teachers Work with diocesan representative to arrange details for summer workshops & academic year visits Lead Spring Workshop to train diocesan representatives in leading summer workshops
What is the ACE Collaborative? Accomplished through Two annual workshops for Master Teachers & Principals In-person and online collaboration within and among school faculties throughout academic year A general timeline Year 1 Workshop: Curriculum—What We Teach Year 2 Workshop: Assessment—What Did Students Learn? Both Workshops: Instruction—How We Teach Ongoing: Curriculum Development Process
ACE Collaborative: 2-Year Workshop Roadmap Year 1: Focus on Curriculum Team/Dept. Outcomes Course Outcomes Unit Concepts Unit Goals Unit Structure PAs & Rubrics Year 2: Focus on Assessment Assessments and Grading Data-Based Decision Making Instructional Strategies in the Unit Structure framework Shared Instructional Leadership Curriculum Development Process
Team/Department Outcomes: The Big Picture Standards that can be accomplished in a lesson plan Standards that take 2-4 weeks to accomplish Standards that take more than 1 unit to accomplish Standards that take more than 1 year to accomplish Team/Dept. Outcomes Course Outcomes Unit Concept Unit Goal Unit Concept Unit Goal Unit Concept Unit Goal Unit Concept Unit Goal LP
1.Teachers develop Diocesan Curriculum. 2.All teachers develop Performance Assessments and submit 1 st and 3 rd quarterly Statistical reports for PA student results. 3.All teachers develop Unit Cover pages and submit 1 st and 3 rd quarterly Statistical reports for Traditional Test and Performance Assessment student results. 4.All teachers are invited to submit Template Lesson Plans to the Principal. Diocesan Curriculum Development: Possible Longitudinal Timeline
Diocesan Curriculum Development: Contact Information & Stipends STIPENDS Stipends will be provided to participants for the 1-week training sessions that will take place in Summer 2013 (Savannah) and Summer 2014 (Location TBA). Stipends to participants will be consistent throughout the diocese. Remember that stipends can be requested from Title I or II funds, if available and applicable.
Diocesan Curriculum Development: Ongoing Education How should I prepare for the Summer 2013 session? Article: Curriculum Now