The Vietnam War By Yash Kamani, Erin Hardy, and Bella Felisberto.


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Presentation transcript:

The Vietnam War By Yash Kamani, Erin Hardy, and Bella Felisberto

Opposing sides in the War The opposing sides in the war were the supporters of communism, North Vietnam, against the supporters of democracy, South Vietnam. Communism- System of social organization where everyone is equal and no single person or group of people rules others. Democracy- System of government where leaders are elected by the people.

For Communism China- The People's Republic of China, which was mainland China, fought alongside North Vietnam in the war, supporting Communism. U.S.S.R.- The U.S.S.R, which is now Russia, also fought in favor of communism. They were involved in combat as well.

For Democracy United States- In the Vietnam war, the United States fought against communism. We were very involved in combat. Australia- The Vietnam war was actually the longest period of conflict for Australia and they sent in 60,000 troops over all to help fight in support for democracy. New Zealand- New Zealand came to a final decision to involve themselves in the Vietnam war and stand for democracy even though it caused some controversy at home.

For Democracy South Korea- South Korea was another nation who supported democracy and joined into the battle in favor of it. Thailand- Thailand was a close ally of the United States and fought with them against communism. Philippines- The Philippines were involved in combat while fighting for democracy. There were many U.S. airbases in the Philippines.

Battles Some of the major battles that occurred in the Vietnam war

Battles The battles of the war really took a toll on the troops fighting in them. They were gruesome and many troops died. In total, 9,087,000 soldiers were sent to fight in the Vietnam war. It is estimated that over one million people died in the war. The United States lost 58,000 of their troops. They even lost 8 nurses, who were aiding the soldiers. The Vietnam war was surely no cold war.

Statistics 58,148 soldiers died in Vietnam. The average age of these soldiers was years The oldest man killed was 62 Youngest was only 16 9,000 Vietnam Veterans have committed suicide after returning due to trauma from the war 79% of the troops had a high school degree (most educated group of solders to that date) Only 85% of Vietnam Veterans made a successful transition to regular life.

1963- American backed Vietnamese forces opened fire on South Vietnamese demonstrators that were demonstrating for religious freedom. Nine people were killed. June 11th, Thich Quang Due, a sixty-six year old monk, set himself on fire in Saigon in protest to the oppression of the Diem administration, as seen below. Diem's response to this action was: "Let them burn, and we shall clap our hands." Lyndon Johnson is Elected for an official term as President Operation Rolling Thunder begins, USA officially involved in the war. Sustained Bombing of North Vietnam starts First US troops are deployed to Danang. They are Marines First Conventional battle of the war. US troops clash with N. Vietnam at Ia Drang Valley Timelin e

1966- South Vietnam government takes Hue and Danang President Johnson Meets with South Vietnam leaders. Gives support to them but also warns them that US will be monitoring to make sure they spread Democracy and fair economics Operation Cedar Falls begins: joint operation between S. Vietnam and USA. 30,000 total troops in operation 1968 February- Battle for Hue starts. 26 day battle. US/ S. Vietnam win 1968 March- My Lai Massacre. US troops massacre whole village in Communist town. America is outraged Nixon Comes to Power, starts secretly bombing Cambodia to get rid of Communist Supplies. Peace talks begin. Troop withdrawal begins Official Cease Fire is put in place. Although US troops had been out for the most part since War is now officially at cease fire for all parties involved Timeline Continued

Reactions to the War Initially there was not that big of an anti war movement; not as much involvement by US When Johnson started actively bombing in 1965, big anti-war movement started US Government official position was that they were involved due to a request from S. Korea Also claimed to want to stop growth of communism

Reactions to The War continued Two sides formed in America Known as Hawks and Doves Hawks- wanted USA to use full force and end war quickly Doves- thought it was immoral for USA to get involved in what was basically a civil war Called for immediate withdrawal or gradual withdrawal of troops

Protests There were many demonstrations all around the country Began mainly on college campuses (Members of SDS) In 1967, when 500,000 US troops were in Vietnam widespread protests started Protests were big and small many times demonstrators were arrested. Showed how the war split the country The draft also caused protests, 40,000 troops were being drafted each month Draftees protested many times as well

Lincoln Memorial Protest October 21, 1967 Most prominent anti war demonstration 100,000 demonstrators marched at the Lincoln Memorial 30,000 of them went to the Pentagon later that night Clashed with Marshalls and soldiers at the Pentagon Hundreds arrested Book "Armies of the Night" chronicled the event. Demonstrators at the Lincoln Memorial

Sources Protests m m