How to Respect the Library by Jade Bramham
About the Library The Library is a great place to be, and it has great things to do, like cool books to read and lots of other things. When you come in the library you have to respect it by being quiet because others want to either read or do their work. There are great computers in the library for you to use if you want to finish off some work, and if you want, you can play games.
The books When you get the books, you have to respect them by turning the pages slowly, borrow them and return them when they’re due back and don’t cut the pages or rip them. Books can come in many colourful colours.
Computers With the computers you need to be very careful with them, and don’t click on anything that might add viruses. Don’t press on the keys too hard and the same with the mouse, don’t click too hard. Have fun using them!
Smartboard The Smartboard is a great object to use, it can play sounds, you can play some games and it has colour on the page you are on.
Respect others If someone has just fallen over you should go and help them up, you could also ask them if they’re OK. Also if they scraped their knee and they had a cut, you could ask the librarian if you could take them to a place that you can fix up their sore.
Teachers When teachers are speaking you have to listen because if there is an emergency and you aren’t listening you could be in danger which is really bad. So respect them and don’t back chat.
Have Fun Have a great time in the library!