WCS Understanding by Design Reconnection Curriculum Team For a copy of this presentation and additional documents, go to:
8:00-11:30 Review UbD Process Overview of Unit/Lesson Plan Rubrics and Templates Update from Summer Unit/Lesson Plan Development Introduce the UbD Professional Development Schedule Calendar Introduce the WCS Assessment Calendar Revisit Process for Storing and Sharing Documents Engage in Small Group Work Sessions Unpacking Standard for ELA and Math Unpacking Standard for ELA and Math Unpacking for Science and Social Studies Unpacking for Science and Social Studies Unpacking for Healthful Living and Physical Education Unpacking for Healthful Living and Physical Education Unpacking for Arts Education Unpacking for Arts Education Foundations: NC Early Learning Standards Foundations: NC Early Learning Standards Agenda
Amanda add template…..we need to upload into templates: UbD Process for WCS
WCS Lesson Plan Rubric WCS Lesson Plan Rubric WCS Lesson Plan Template WCS Lesson Plan Template Overview of Unit/Lesson Plan Templates and Rubrics
Update from Summer Unit Plan Development
UbD Unit and Lesson Planning at WCS Central Office Assessment Calendar UbD Professional Development Schedule and Assessment Calendar
Go to Step One: Click on Gmail Icon Step Two: Once logged in, click on Google Drive and SHARED with me Locate UbD Templates FolderUbD Templates Step Three: Select Pacing Guide Template, click file, make a copy and rename using naming conventions (i.e. PacingGuide.3.ELA.3.1stQTR) share with your grade level then move new file to grade and/or content folder provided Step Four: Select Lesson Plan Template, click file, make a copy and rename using naming conventions (i.e. LessonPlan.3.ELA.3.Unit1.Lesson1) share with your grade level then move new file to grade and/or content folder provided Once moved to the folder everyone will have access to the document. Please follow these procedures with each lesson plan created. WCS Process for Storing and Sharing Documents
Step One: Access your Google Drive UbD Templates Step Two: Each grade level meets to listen to overview of ELA Unit written this summer. (30 min.) Step Three: Each grade level group will divide into 3 additional groups based which content you are teaching and… Read closely the unpacking guide for your content area. Formulate a pacing guide for the first 9 weeks (Use Google Doc Template, copy and rename as follows i.e. PacingGuide.3.ELA.3.1stQTR.) Begin lesson plan development (Use Google Doc Template, copy and rename as follows i.e. LessonPlan.3.ELA.3.Unit1.Lesson1) Move Document into grade level pacing guides and lessons plans folder. Small Group Work Session Directions