Lesson Plans, Pacing Guide, Essential Standards & Literacy
Pacing Guide: August (First Week) Objective: Essential Standard B.C.1.1-B.C.2 The Students will review the syllabus and expectations for this course. The students will also complete many improv activities during the first week of the class. Activity Description Literacy Focus and Review Review course syllabus Teacher Input Talk about expectations Create Improv Story Independent Practice Students begin performing improv scenes.
Pacing Guide: September (First Week) Objective: B.A.1 Analysis: The students will begin to understand and discuss the components of acting. Activity DescriptionLiteracy Focus and Review Improvisation Teacher Input Guided Practice Students will learn Students will read and self-awareness, ensemble take notes about the ethic, movement, voice, different areas. and telling a story. Independent Practice Complete worksheets Students will write three things they have learned. Students will include major and minor details.
Pacing Guide: September (Week Two) Objective: B.A.1 Analysis- The students will understand and discuss the components of directing and producing. Activity Description Literacy Focus and Review Assessment Vocabulary Quiz Guided PracticeStudents will learn the Students will roles of director, work in groups and discuss producer, production the importance of the team and the performance director. space. Independent Practice Worksheet activity, write short essay on historical profile on Sophocles.
Pacing Guide: September (Week Three) Objective: Aesthetics B.A.E.1- The students will understand and discuss the components of technical theatre. Activity Description Literacy Focus and Review Assessment- Test Guided PracticeStudents will learn about stage Watch video clip. crew, set construction, props, Students will write lighting, sound crew, short essay explaining costume and makeup crew what they have learned. Independent Practice Exploration Projects: students will work together in groups and begin to construct a model of a stage.
Pacing Guide: September (Week Four & First week in October) Objective: Communication B.A.E.1-2: The Students will be introduced to performing. Activity DescriptionLiteracy Focus and ReviewVocabulary Assessment, Chapter test 1-3 Teacher InputBegin to talk about the characterization process, motivation, behavior, and creating specific characters. Guided PracticeStudents will begin to work Students will answer on a Shakespeare play. Questions pertaining to the reading.
Pacing Guide (October week two and three, more time if needed) Objective: Communication B.A.E.1-2: The students will begin selecting a scene group and research on a play. The students must research the author and read the entire play as a group before rehearsal begins. Activity Description Literacy Focus and Review Hand-out “Approaching the Students will Play” learn different theatre terms about the play Objective, Tactics, given circumstances, super objective Teacher Input Instructor will discuss the importance of approaching the play, character development. Independent PracticeStudents will read about Stanislavsky’s approach to a play. They will learn that Stanislavsky’s calls the main action “the play’s spine”. They will also learn Uta Hagen’s Analysis of the given circumstances of a play.
Pacing Guide: November (Week one and two, more time if needed) Objective: Communication P.C.1.3: Students will continue to work on scenes, monologues for their informative and formative performances. Activity Description Literacy Focus and Review“Approaching the Play” Independent Practice Students will work in Students will scene groups and continue discuss their the rehearsal process. Approach and motivation in dealing with their character.
Pacing Guide: December-January Objective: Culture A.C.U.2.2: The students will continue the rehearsal process and prepare for their formal performance. Activity Description Literacy Focus and ReviewAssessment on vocabulary and review on theatre curriculum for final written exam. Independent Practice Students will prepare for Student’s notebook tech dress rehearsal for and portfolio will be due their final performance the day of their performance. of the semester.
Theatre Art in Action Text book Drama Projects Text book Uta Hagen’s acting class DVD Theatre arts I power point lessons Theatre arts II power point lessons Theatre arts III & IV power point lessons