Solar energy By: Mitchell Near
How solar energy is produced Solar energy is produced when photons from the suns rays hit a semiconductor. Once harnessed, the sunlight is absorbed into these photovoltaic/solar cells. These are then used to convert the sun's energy into electrical energy. These cells are non-mechanical devices that are made from silicon alloys. Most of the solar collectors resemble black, flat boxes that sit on building rooftops. In the most common design, pipes in the box carry liquids that transfer the heat from the box into the building. This heated liquid then heats the water in a tank or is passed through radiators to heat the air.
How solar energy is transported. Solar panels are used to convert the energy from the sun into electricity. Once that conversion has taken place you can do anything with the converted energy that you can do with electricity, not because the source was solar but because the current form is electricity. You can put it into batteries and you can transport with cables just like electricity generated with coal or gas
How will consumers use it. Solar energy can be used for just about everything. It can heat your house in the winter, power the a/c in the summer, heat your water and any other task that can be powered by electricity.
Works cited ntal/energy/solar-cell.htm ntal/energy/solar-cell.htm