Right Class..?? COURSE NAME: Network & System Administration. COURSE CODE: SKU3033 / SKF3033 PRE REQUISITE : ??
Synopsis The course aims to teach students on computer networks and information management implemented in an organizational information systems design. The intention of the course is to identify the functional areas of technology to be addressed, discussing the theory of how they operate as well as the major solutions in use and how the components are integrated. The key advantage of the Internet, namely the concept of platform- independent operation is discussed in the context of high-level and de facto standards governing software and hardware systems. The main business applications enabled by open standards are illustrated, including electronic trading, selling and promotion, computer and video conferencing and remote transaction processing.
Course Content Please refer to handout
References / Text Books Mark Burgess, Principle of Network & System Administration, 2 nd Edition, John Wiley & son. Mark Burgess, Handbook Principle of Network & system Administration William Stalling, Business Data Communication, 8 th Edition, Stalling William Stalling, Data Communication & Networking
Assessments Distribution Coursework :60% Assignment 1 : 10% Assignment 2: 20% Test: 20% Quizzes: 10% Final Examination: 40% Total: 100%
Learning Outcomes After completing this course, students are able to LO1 - able to explain the fundamentals of data communication, network and system admin LO2 : able to identify basic data communication and network hardware and software (network management etc) LO3 : able to setup small peer to peer network (practical).
Lecturer Information Name : Ahmad Tajudin Baharin address : tajudin.usim[at] atajudin[at] Phone no : /
Assignment 1 ( Individual ) You need to present one (1) journal paper / white paper that related to networking or system administrator. Please make sure your journal paper that you chose is different with your friend that who was presented. Your journal paper must be in year between 2006 until current. Before you present the journal, you need to send me at least three (3) journal paper for approval. You can get this journal paper either from IEEE, Science Direct, SciFund, and etc. Full text journals downloadable only using Campus Network
Assignment 1 ( Individual ) - cont Content of your presentation : Introduction Background Objectives Problem statement/s Literature review/s Methodology Implementation / works Result & discussions Conclusion References
Assignment 2 (group – max 6 ) You need to design and setup one (1) small network (peer to peer) either using simulation (packet tracer) or test bed. On that design u need to include web server, dns, firewall, switch, routers, and more that you think its important. After your design working well, you need to present your project. ( start on week 10 )
Quizzes We will have a quizzes after finishing of each chapter. This quiz will be ---- during lecturer session. This quizzes will carry 10 marks or more..
Test 1 Test 1 / Mid test Topic cover ( from 1 to 5 ) Subjective & critical thinking 8 questions Total mark - 40 This test 1 will carry 20 marks.
Final Examination Final Exam question Subjective & critical thinking Topic cover : from chapter 1 to 11, including lab exercise and your project skills Total mark : 100 % Carry only : 40 %
Lecturer Schedule Week 1-16/7 Week 2-23 /7 Week 3-30 / 7 Week 4-6 /8 Week 5-13 /8 Week 6-20 /8 Week 7-27/8 Week 8-3 /9
Lecturer Schedule Week 9-24/9 Week 10-2 /10 Week 11-9/10 Week /10 Week /10 Week /10
Q & A