 The “things written before were written for our learning”: Rom. 15:4  OT reveals important principles in God’s dealings with civil governments (i.e.,


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Presentation transcript:

 The “things written before were written for our learning”: Rom. 15:4  OT reveals important principles in God’s dealings with civil governments (i.e., nations).  Nations owe their existence to God: Rom. 13:1; Psa. 67:4; Dan. 4:17  God requires nations to rule according to godly principles: Psa. 9:17; Prov. 14:34; 16:12 2

 When nations repudiate righteousness God eventually judges them and destroys them.  Antediluvian world: Gen  Sodom & Gomorrah: Gen. 18 & 19  Heathen nations: Isa ; Matt. 23 & 24; Rev.  God is longsuffering to individuals and to nations: Gen. 15:6; 18:16-33  But, ultimately God destroys people and nations that will not repent: Psa. 9:17 3

 In all of history the USA is uniquely founded on the “Judeo-Christian” ethic.  Unfortunately our culture is in severe decline:  National bad habits  Gay marriage  Abortion  In 1973 the SCOTUS delivered the Roe v. Wade decision legalizing abortion.  In 42 years 57,762,169 legalized abortions (murders) have taken place (LifeNews.com). 4

 How much innocent blood has been shed?  Enough to populate the state of Indiana nearly nine times over!  Equal to the combined populations of Indiana, Michigan, Georgia, North Carolina, Virginia, Missouri, Idaho and Colorado!  On average, 3,768 unborn children have been murdered every single day!  Equivalent of seven fully-loaded 747’s plus two 737’s crashing every single day with no survivors! 5 Flight

 How much innocent blood has been shed?  In all of America’s wars 1,434,338 lives have been lost; represents only 2.5% of the murdered unborn!  The great tsunami of 2004 claimed ~230,000 lives; legalized abortion has claimed the equivalent of 251 great tsunamis!  Every day in the U.S. there are 772 more deaths due to abortion than the total deaths on 9/11!  The U.S. kills the unborn faster than Hitler killed the Jews in the “Holocaust”! 6

 Recall the Babylonian captivity of Judah ( B.C.).  One primary reason for God’s punishment was Manasseh having “filled Jerusalem with innocent blood”: 2 Kgs. 24:4  Can the amount of innocent blood shed by Manasseh rival the amount shed in legalized abortion?  If “the L ORD would not pardon” their shedding of innocent blood, what about ours?! 7 The divine judgment of America is not an “if,” but a “when.”

 We all will be judged and give an account of our lives: Eccl. 12:13-14; 2 Cor. 5:10  When will our nation’s judgment come?  Judah’s judgment shook the faith of even the most faithful.  We must strengthen our faith! 2 Pet. 1: Innocent Blood

 Our prayers may not stop God’s judgment, but it may help postpone it: Gen. 18:16-33  We must believe in the power of prayer: Lk. 18:1-8; 1 Thess. 5:17  Pray for: Our nation in general: Gen. 18:16-33 Our nation in general: Gen. 18:16-33 Women who may be considering an abortion Women who may be considering an abortion Our government leaders: 1 Tim. 2:1-4 Our government leaders: 1 Tim. 2: Innocent Blood

 We are to be the “salt of the earth” and “the light of the world”: Matt. 5:13-16  We may influence someone to obey the gospel and/or not to have an abortion.  Remember Abraham’s intercession for Sodom and Gomorrah: Gen. 18:16-33  The single most important thing we can do is to live lives of righteousness and fidelity to God and His word. 11 Innocent Blood

 The gospel remains our most powerful weapon: Rom. 1:16-17  Our preaching may not permanently forestall God’s judgment of our nation, but it may cause Him to extend His longsuffering.  And, the gospel still has the power to melt the most hardened of hearts. 12 Innocent Blood

 Take action within the bounds of the law: 1 Pet. 2:13-14  Pro-abortionists seek to silence dissent through intimidation:  Pro-lifers are “religious fanatics”!  Pro-lifers are waging a “war on women”!  Pro-lifers are against “reproductive rights”!  Pro-lifers are “intolerant and judgmental”! 13 Innocent Blood

14 War on women?Reproductive rights? Intolerant and judgmental? WARNING ! Pro-choice?

15 War on women?Reproductive rights? Intolerant and judgmental? Pro-choice? WARNING !

 Cannot allow ourselves to be intimidated! 2 Kgs. 24:4  Edmund Burke: “The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.”  Speak out! Esther 4:14  Join up!  Vote! 16 Innocent Blood

17  The best thing you can do is be faithful!  Ten righteous souls could not be found in Sodom and Gomorrah…how many can be found in the USA?!  Therefore, practice 1 Corinthians 15:58 in your life!