The “things written before were written for our learning”: Rom. 15:4 OT reveals important principles in God’s dealings with civil governments (i.e., nations). Nations owe their existence to God: Rom. 13:1; Psa. 67:4; Dan. 4:17 God requires nations to rule according to godly principles: Psa. 9:17; Prov. 14:34; 16:12 2
When nations repudiate righteousness God eventually judges them and destroys them. Antediluvian world: Gen Sodom & Gomorrah: Gen. 18 & 19 Heathen nations: Isa ; Matt. 23 & 24; Rev. God is longsuffering to individuals and to nations: Gen. 15:6; 18:16-33 But, ultimately God destroys people and nations that will not repent: Psa. 9:17 3
In all of history the USA is uniquely founded on the “Judeo-Christian” ethic. Unfortunately our culture is in severe decline: National bad habits Gay marriage Abortion In 1973 the SCOTUS delivered the Roe v. Wade decision legalizing abortion. In 42 years 57,762,169 legalized abortions (murders) have taken place ( 4
How much innocent blood has been shed? Enough to populate the state of Indiana nearly nine times over! Equal to the combined populations of Indiana, Michigan, Georgia, North Carolina, Virginia, Missouri, Idaho and Colorado! On average, 3,768 unborn children have been murdered every single day! Equivalent of seven fully-loaded 747’s plus two 737’s crashing every single day with no survivors! 5 Flight
How much innocent blood has been shed? In all of America’s wars 1,434,338 lives have been lost; represents only 2.5% of the murdered unborn! The great tsunami of 2004 claimed ~230,000 lives; legalized abortion has claimed the equivalent of 251 great tsunamis! Every day in the U.S. there are 772 more deaths due to abortion than the total deaths on 9/11! The U.S. kills the unborn faster than Hitler killed the Jews in the “Holocaust”! 6
Recall the Babylonian captivity of Judah ( B.C.). One primary reason for God’s punishment was Manasseh having “filled Jerusalem with innocent blood”: 2 Kgs. 24:4 Can the amount of innocent blood shed by Manasseh rival the amount shed in legalized abortion? If “the L ORD would not pardon” their shedding of innocent blood, what about ours?! 7 The divine judgment of America is not an “if,” but a “when.”
We all will be judged and give an account of our lives: Eccl. 12:13-14; 2 Cor. 5:10 When will our nation’s judgment come? Judah’s judgment shook the faith of even the most faithful. We must strengthen our faith! 2 Pet. 1: Innocent Blood
Our prayers may not stop God’s judgment, but it may help postpone it: Gen. 18:16-33 We must believe in the power of prayer: Lk. 18:1-8; 1 Thess. 5:17 Pray for: Our nation in general: Gen. 18:16-33 Our nation in general: Gen. 18:16-33 Women who may be considering an abortion Women who may be considering an abortion Our government leaders: 1 Tim. 2:1-4 Our government leaders: 1 Tim. 2: Innocent Blood
We are to be the “salt of the earth” and “the light of the world”: Matt. 5:13-16 We may influence someone to obey the gospel and/or not to have an abortion. Remember Abraham’s intercession for Sodom and Gomorrah: Gen. 18:16-33 The single most important thing we can do is to live lives of righteousness and fidelity to God and His word. 11 Innocent Blood
The gospel remains our most powerful weapon: Rom. 1:16-17 Our preaching may not permanently forestall God’s judgment of our nation, but it may cause Him to extend His longsuffering. And, the gospel still has the power to melt the most hardened of hearts. 12 Innocent Blood
Take action within the bounds of the law: 1 Pet. 2:13-14 Pro-abortionists seek to silence dissent through intimidation: Pro-lifers are “religious fanatics”! Pro-lifers are waging a “war on women”! Pro-lifers are against “reproductive rights”! Pro-lifers are “intolerant and judgmental”! 13 Innocent Blood
14 War on women?Reproductive rights? Intolerant and judgmental? WARNING ! Pro-choice?
15 War on women?Reproductive rights? Intolerant and judgmental? Pro-choice? WARNING !
Cannot allow ourselves to be intimidated! 2 Kgs. 24:4 Edmund Burke: “The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.” Speak out! Esther 4:14 Join up! Vote! 16 Innocent Blood
17 The best thing you can do is be faithful! Ten righteous souls could not be found in Sodom and Gomorrah…how many can be found in the USA?! Therefore, practice 1 Corinthians 15:58 in your life!