WASTE MOTOR VEHICLE TIRE HAULER REGULATIONS Doug Ikenberry Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment July 25, 2007
Other States States with Tire Hauler Regulations California Missouri Iowa Indiana Nevada Michigan Illinois Oregon
Legislation Facts Commercial Waste Motor Vehicle (WMV) Tire Haulers Effective date: July 1, 2005 Tire hauler registration required: January 1, 2006 Regulation development required by the Act
Regulation Development Stakeholder Process: Spring 2006 Many definitions integrated with Waste Motor Vehicle Waste Disposal Limitation legislation Regulations effective: January 30, 2007
Regulatory Definitions 1) Passenger Tire Equivalents – 20 lbs/4 ft 3 2) Tire 3) Waste Tire 4) Waste Motor Vehicle Tire 5) Transportation 6) Waste Hauler 7) Waste Motor Vehicle Tire Hauler 8) Waste Motor Vehicle Tire Monofill 9) Waste Motor Vehicle Tire Storage Site 10) Waste Motor Vehicle Tire Recycling Facility
Applicability Commercial Waste Motor Vehicle (WMV) Tire Haulers Certificate of Registration (CR): January 1, 2006: Commercial WMV Registration Date
Exemptions Conventional Solid Waste Haulers Primarily Transport Municipal Solid Waste Interstate WMV Tire Transporters Transporters of Recycled Tire Products Sale Distribution Commercial Freight Carriers Under Contract with WMVTH
Allowable Storage & Disposal Locations Permitted WMV Tire Storage Site Permitted Monofill Permitted Landfill Beneficial User Recycling Facility WMVT Energy Recovery Facility With Valid Air Permit (TDF)
WMV Hauler Operating Requirements Retain Copies of CR Business Addresses In Each Hauling Vehicle Owned or Rented by Hauler Acquire & Maintain Surety Bond Annual Report Manifest
WMV Hauler Manifest Must Accompany Each Load Retained for Three Years Within 30 Days of Possession Provide to : Generator Destination Facility Copies to CDPHE Upon Request Not a Standardized Form Manifest Information
WMV Manifest Information Name of Generator Quantity of Tires Per Load Name & CR # of WMV Hauler Date of Transport Destination Signatures
Annual Reporting Requirements Statement From Surety: Bond Paid Bond Current Quantity of Tires Collected Final Disposition of All Tires Changes in CR Information
CDPHE Regulation Implementation Maintain and Evaluate initial CR and annual reports Issue Initial CR Continued Operation Suspend / Revoke Reissue Draw on Bond Inspections Vehicles Businesses Enforcement as Required