New Generation of Confocal Microscope OLYMPUS 李承駿 易德明.


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Presentation transcript:

New Generation of Confocal Microscope OLYMPUS 李承駿 易德明

Confocal Image Gallery

Confocal !

Light source LASER Mercury Halogen

※ Pin hole technique

※ High-precision spectral system Linear spectrum Prism Grating Slit with 2 nm resolution

陰極板 陽極板 ※ Detector  photomultiplier (PMT)

共軛焦顯微鏡一般顯微鏡 標本厚度 約 50um 數微米 平面解析度 0.55 λ /NA 0.61 λ / NA Z 軸解析度 最好約 0.5um 很差 光學切片 可 不可 三維重組 可 不可 Confocal VS Epi-FL.

Phone Evolution

Simple is Beautiful

Inside the FV10i 暗房 共軛焦 掃瞄器 雷射光源 防震桌 顯微鏡

Step 1: Set Dye Set sample  choose dye

Step 2: Selecting Target Auto Focus  Map Image

Step 3: Image Acquire

Observation mode selection

Oil type or Water type? Water type:  Built-in Incubator  N.A. 1.2, 60X water objective  Stable time-lapse imaging Oil type:  N.A. 1.35, 60X oil objective  High-quality imaging

Thank you for your attention!! Let’s give it a try!!