Observer Duties Clear the flight path for the UA Clear the flight path for the UA Look for other air traffic in the area Look for other air traffic in the area Pass information to the PIC Pass information to the PIC Follow instructions from the PIC Follow instructions from the PIC Help with the normal launch and recovery procedures Help with the normal launch and recovery procedures Know the regulations Know the regulations
Communication with PIC Clear concise communications Clear concise communications Directive then descriptive Directive then descriptive Directive – clearly tell PIC if UA must change current path to avoid conflict. Directive – clearly tell PIC if UA must change current path to avoid conflict. Descriptive – identify conflict with a direction and range then extra information that will help in decision making Descriptive – identify conflict with a direction and range then extra information that will help in decision making Clock positions or Headings decide before hand and work as a team Clock positions or Headings decide before hand and work as a team Practice together Practice together Sample “Continue current pattern, light aircraft north, three miles, heading west, no factor.” Sample “Continue current pattern, light aircraft north, three miles, heading west, no factor.”
When traffic happens This will not be common This will not be common Best to practice traffic calls prior to flight Best to practice traffic calls prior to flight Figure out what works best for your team Figure out what works best for your team Stay calm Stay calm Speak clearly Speak clearly Listen for conformation Listen for conformation If no conformation then speak again If no conformation then speak again
Lesson 2
Scan Plan Put yourself in a position to look through the UA to area of greatest concern Put yourself in a position to look through the UA to area of greatest concern Like an instrument scan plan Like an instrument scan plan Through UA, Right, Through UA, Left, Through UA, Behind, Through UA Through UA, Right, Through UA, Left, Through UA, Behind, Through UA Don’t stare for long periods Don’t stare for long periods Focus on something far away Focus on something far away Listen for traffic Listen for traffic
Human Factors in Perception: Applications to UAS Observers July 9, 2008 UND Aerospace Dr. Warren Jensen
Learning Objectives 1.Discuss the challenges to human perception of UAS ground observation. 2.Discuss visual acuity and limits of human visual perception. 3.Describe how orientation, context, and extraneous cues impact our visual perception. 4.Describe how relative motion, altered light angles, contrast, and loss of depth cues can impact visual perception.
Perception The ability to gather and interpret sensory information. The ability to gather and interpret sensory information. What is perception? What is perception? Detection of Sensation or a Stimulus? Detection of Sensation or a Stimulus? Pattern recognition? Pattern recognition? Interpretation? Interpretation? Situation Awareness? Situation Awareness?
Visual Perception Concepts Central and peripheral vision roles are different. Central and peripheral vision roles are different. Central vision is where your acuity and color vision is best. Central vision is where your acuity and color vision is best. Used for high resolution and focus. Used for high resolution and focus. Peripheral vision is used for Peripheral vision is used for orientation, orientation, assessment of speed, and assessment of speed, and detection of motion in your surroundings. detection of motion in your surroundings.
Visual acuity Our resolution is a function of pixels Our resolution is a function of pixels The letter E on the Snellen Chart is 8.8 mm in height The letter E on the Snellen Chart is 8.8 mm in height E E E E E E E E E E E E At one mile: the E would have to be 2.3 meters. At one mile: the E would have to be 2.3 meters. This assumes adequate lighting and contrast This assumes adequate lighting and contrast Can you fly the aircraft beyond your ability to see? Can you fly the aircraft beyond your ability to see?
Contrast issues
Depth Perception Binocular / stereoscopic vision Binocular / stereoscopic vision marginal beyond 20 yards marginal beyond 20 yards limited to 200 yards limited to 200 yards Monocular cues are needed Monocular cues are needed Visual overlay, haze, shadow, reference Visual overlay, haze, shadow, reference
Visual Overlay and Size Reference
How far away is this 747?
Visual Perception Challenges… Altered appearances compared to ground ops Altered appearances compared to ground ops Atmospheric effects (dust and humidity) Atmospheric effects (dust and humidity) Haze is a distant visual cue Haze is a distant visual cue Light sources from below Light sources from below Light angles can hide shadow cues Light angles can hide shadow cues Loss of Depth, Texture, and Size cues Loss of Depth, Texture, and Size cues Indistinct features are difficult to assess Indistinct features are difficult to assess
Loss of Light Scatter
Contrast and Texture
Visual assessment of speed
Relative Motion Objects that move in our peripheral vision are easier to detect. Objects that move in our peripheral vision are easier to detect. Objects moving toward or away from you are difficult to perceive. Objects moving toward or away from you are difficult to perceive.
Strategies Optimize your visual acuity issues Optimize your visual acuity issues Beware of conditions that degrade acuity Beware of conditions that degrade acuity Correct scanning techniques Correct scanning techniques Improve contrast issues Improve contrast issues Aircraft color/lighting, vantage point, light conditions Aircraft color/lighting, vantage point, light conditions Check backgrounds for contrast Check backgrounds for contrast Colored lenses (in some settings) Colored lenses (in some settings)
Strategies Beware of visual obstructions Beware of visual obstructions Color and shape similarity Color and shape similarity Consider relative motion problems Consider relative motion problems More difficult to spot and assess motion More difficult to spot and assess motion
Losing sight
What to do when you lose sight Admit it Admit it Ask PIC if he/she sees the UA Ask PIC if he/she sees the UA If neither see UA have person at computer state where to look referencing HORIZON If neither see UA have person at computer state where to look referencing HORIZON Listen Listen Have person at computer drag next point back towards team Have person at computer drag next point back towards team Command return and land Command return and land
Regulations Interim Operational Approval Guidance Section Class II medical certificates Aviation knowledge Visual Range with 1nm & 3000 feet limit
8.2.1 Observer Requirement: VFR UAS operations may be authorized utilizing either ground- based or airborne visual observers onboard a dedicated chase aircraft. A visual observer is required to perform the see and avoid function as alternative compliance to 14 CFR , Right-of-Way Rules: Except Water Operations. The task of the observer is to provide the pilot of the UAS with instructions to steer the UA clear of any potential collision with other traffic. Visual observer duties require the ability to maintain visual contact with the UA at all times while scanning the immediate environment for potential conflicting traffic. At no time will the visual observer permit the UA to operate outside their line-of-sight. This ensures that any required maneuvering information can be reliably provided to the PIC. The visual limitation will specify both a lateral and vertical distance and shall be regarded as a maximum distance from the observer where a determination of a conflict with another aircraft can be made. When an application is approved by the FAA, the visual limitation distance becomes a directive upon the observer.
08-01 Generally, observers are to be positioned no greater than one nautical mile laterally and 3000 feet vertically from the UA. The use of nautical miles is based on the fact that the UA is being positioned by the pilot via control stations that typically use moving map displays that are referenced in nautical miles. This distance is predicated on the observer’s normal unaided vision. Corrective lenses, spectacles, and contact lenses may be used. When using other aids to vision, such as binoculars, field glasses, or telephoto television, visual observers must use caution to ensure that the UA remains within the approved visual limitation distance of the observer. Due to field of view and distortion issues, the use of such aids can be used to augment the observer’s visual capability but cannot be used as the primary means of visual contact.
08-01 Although this guidance specifies an observer distance, the small size of some UA may not allow for adequate observation at the one mile limit. It should be understood that this limit is the maximum range allowed and that a practical distance may be something less, with the determination of such at the discretion of the applicant. Therefore, until an on site validation of observer distance is conducted by the FAA, it will remain the responsibility of the applicant to ensure the safety of flight and adequate visual range coverage to mitigate any potential collisions. Conversely, larger UA may accommodate an observer distance greater than the one mile limit. (our current COAs state 1 NM) The applicant may establish a distance greater than one mile based on a variety of factors. Increased observer distances may be proposed by the applicant and will be subject to review by the FAA either by on site demonstration or other means. If UAS applications are approved for nighttime operations with flight operations that will depart or arrive between sunset and sunrise, the ground observer(s) must be in place one hour prior to that operation to ensure acclimation to the twilight/nighttime environment. (currently not UND)