Know The Audience Adult audiences are very diverse Learn as much about them as you can Try to match the learning experience to the audience (timing, educational needs, location, etc.) Educational Strategies
Plan, Plan, Plan! Be prepared Establish Educational Objectives plan on using a variety of delivery techniques to reach all types of learners
Establish a Learning Environment Physical Factors: Look for a place with good lighting and visibility Comfortable seating Room arrangement suitable for all learning activities Good acoustics Comfortable temperatures Accessible to the disabled
Establish a Learning Environment Psychological Factors: Become acquainted with clientele, greet them, if possible, learn their names! Involve clientele in their own learning Provide reinforcement and encouragement, avoid putdowns
Establish a Learning Environment Psychological Factors: Recognize differences and respect the uniqueness of each learner Be accessible
Sensory Memory Information obtained from perceptions 1% taste 1.5% touch 3.5% smell 11% hearing 83% sight Info obtained very quickly
Sensory Memory Can only focus on one perception at a time – can’t listen and talk at the same time! Within a second, information gathered from our senses is either used or lost forever.
People remember… 10% of what they read 20% of what they hear 30% of what they see 50% of what they see & hear 70% of what they see and say 90% of what they say and do
Types of Learning Cognitive Knowledge Facts, figures, information Facts, figures, information Psychomotor Action Skills, tasks, activities Affective Behavioral change GOAL IS TO ULTIMATELY CHANGE BEHAVIOR
“Training” for Behavior Change 1. Tell them what to do 2. Show them what to do 3. Let them try it 4. Observe the behavior 5. Reinforce or redirect behavior
Adult Learning Need Breaks Strong feelings about learning Occupations outside of class Decisions to make Problems to solve First hand experience
Adult Learning Non Non-verbal communication is important Self-directed Problem oriented Like to participate Analogy for understanding Collaborative Valuable input
Learning Activities Lecture Demonstration Hands-on Practice Demonstration & Hands-on Practice Audiovisual Group Discussions
Effective Delivery Know your subject Know your audience Have your materials ready Have the facility ready Stay on the topic Show appreciation for the participants