ENETOSH European Network Education and Training in Occupational Safety and Health Reinhard Körbler Austrian Workers Compensation Board, Vienna
Background High requirements on occupational safety and health (OSH), environment and product safety High requirements on occupational safety and health (OSH), environment and product safety New approach to OSH: from hazard prevention to risk management New approach to OSH: from hazard prevention to risk management Low level of information about OSH in national regulations and EU-directives Low level of information about OSH in national regulations and EU-directives No OSH-training in education programs for teachers at occupational schools No OSH-training in education programs for teachers at occupational schools
An idea was born … Forming an international network for cooperation of education experts and OSH-experts Forming an international network for cooperation of education experts and OSH-experts Promotion and use of good practice examples, integration of OSH into education programs Promotion and use of good practice examples, integration of OSH into education programs Distribution of OSH education programs overcoming national and cultural barriers Distribution of OSH education programs overcoming national and cultural barriers Developing an European standard of qualification for trainers in occupational safety and health Developing an European standard of qualification for trainers in occupational safety and health
European setting Common EU-strategy on health and safety at work Common EU-strategy on health and safety at work Copenhagen declaration 2002, Maastricht communiqué 2004 Copenhagen declaration 2002, Maastricht communiqué 2004 Integration of OSH in education and training, a project by the Agency Bilbao since 2002 Integration of OSH in education and training, a project by the Agency Bilbao since 2002 European week 2006 "Safe Start" European week 2006 "Safe Start"
Target groups End users: Teachers at primary schools, End users: Teachers at primary schools, vocational schools and higher vocational colleges, tutors and trainers at universities Multipliers: e.g. directors, education experts and experts for OSH Multipliers: e.g. directors, education experts and experts for OSH Political authorities: representatives from ministries, social partners, EU-commission Political authorities: representatives from ministries, social partners, EU-commission
The quality of work Occupational safety and health are integrated parts of lifelong learning Occupational safety and health are integrated parts of lifelong learning A safe and healthy situation at school and at work is a main condition for success A safe and healthy situation at school and at work is a main condition for success Education and training in OSH are also main conditions for improving the quality of work Education and training in OSH are also main conditions for improving the quality of work
ENETOSH LEONARDO DA VINCI project 13 partners from 10 European countries 9 members in the advisory board 5 silent partners representing an international network for cooperation of education experts and OSH-experts
Kindergarten, primary school Vocational education College, university Occupational training Lifelong learning Lifelong learning Education experts Experts for OSH Comprehensive approach
Project coordination BG-Institute Work and Health, Dresden Project coordination BG-Institute Work and Health, Dresden Essential network partners CZ:CIVOPD:BG-Bau, BGW, Uni Lüneburg DK:BAR U&FFIN:FIOH I:ISPESL LT:LDRMTNL:TU Delft A:AUVA PL:NIOMTR: ISGÜM Essential network partners CZ:CIVOPD:BG-Bau, BGW, Uni Lüneburg DK:BAR U&FFIN:FIOH I:ISPESL LT:LDRMTNL:TU Delft A:AUVA PL:NIOMTR: ISGÜM National network partners PL:CIOPD:BAuA, RGUVV, DGB National network partners PL:CIOPD:BAuA, RGUVV, DGB Partners involved
European Agency for Safety and Health at Work OSHA European Agency for Safety and Health at Work OSHA European Centre for Development of Vocational Training CEDEFOP European Centre for Development of Vocational Training CEDEFOP Federation of German Trade Unions DGB Federation of German Trade Unions DGB Confederation of German Employers´ Associations BDA Confederation of German Employers´ Associations BDA Institute of Occupational Health and Safety ENSHPO Institute of Occupational Health and Safety ENSHPO BKK-BV - Federal Association of Company Health Insurance Funds ENWHP, Germany BKK-BV - Federal Association of Company Health Insurance Funds ENWHP, Germany European Federation of Building and Woodworkers European Federation of Building and Woodworkers European Construction Industry Federation FIEC European Construction Industry Federation FIEC Advisory board
Permanent contact points ad-hoc partners e.g. ENTO, NIVA Silent partners WP 1 WP 2 WP 4 WP 3 WP 6 WP 5 WP 8 WP 7 Advisory board: EU Agency, CEDEFOP, DGB, BDA, EFBW, FIEC, PREVENT/ENSHPO, BKK-BV/ENWHP; P1, P2, P4, P12 Coordination: P1 Essential network partners: P2, P3, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13 Evaluation: P4 Organisational structure
Network area Project and events (information, newsletter, partner pages) Project and events (information, newsletter, partner pages) Examples of good practice (descriptions, criteria, proposals, ranking, award) Examples of good practice (descriptions, criteria, proposals, ranking, award) Forum: Basic vocational training Forum: Basic vocational training Toolbox (methods, media and documents) Toolbox (methods, media and documents) Who´s who (OSH and education experts) Who´s who (OSH and education experts) Internal area (material, project documents) Internal area (material, project documents)
Project evaluation Grade of interaction End users Multipliers Network partners
Multipliers OSH experts (working as trainers) professionals familiar with OSH (working as trainers) politicians responsible for OSH topics 3 different areas with people working in Network partners network team Evaluation areas OSH area Education area Politics End users occupational physicians, safety officers teachers, professors head of school, directors of associations
Competences for tutors and trainers European standards in OSH for the qualification of tutors and trainers European standards in OSH for the qualification of tutors and trainers Condition for education and training in occupational safety and health Condition for education and training in occupational safety and health — Basic vocational training — Extended vocational training
Prevention as part of our culture Objective target is the development of a common prevention culture in Europe Objective target is the development of a common prevention culture in Europe — Promoting a positive attitude in the behaviour of children and adults concerning their own safety and health — Forming a sustainable culture of prevention at schools and at work
Vocational training but also training by carrying out but also training by carrying out the profession and developing experience by the challenges of working life Not only training for vocation Not only training for vocation for specific professional qualifications
Integration of OSH into vocational training National politics European politics Culture of prevention Directives Legal regulations
Instructors for OSH Experts in prevention + Course attendance certificate
Additional qualifications for students Better vocational training Better vocational training Better chances in any profession Better chances in any profession Future: additional qualifications and certificates Future: additional qualifications and certificates — like ECDL or EBCL — Project OSH Passport (EU certificate for finishing an OSH seminar)
Education targets Implementation of OSH and product safety in vocational and technical education by Qualification of trainers to OSH instructors and tutors Qualification of trainers to OSH instructors and tutors Learning by doing in OSH Learning by doing in OSH Additional qualification: Additional qualification: students with OSH Passport OSH Passport of the
Licence for trainers (teachers) Licence for trainers (teachers) Licence for institutes (schools) Licence for institutes (schools) Tests for participants (students) Tests for participants (students) OSH Passport EU regulations for the OSH Passport EU regulations for the OSH Passport Supervision by advisory board Supervision by advisory board Fees for course and licence Fees for course and licence
… and scenes like that belong to the past !