Articulation and Action: Service Delivery Planning for English Language Learners John Kibler OELA Professional Development Coordinator Amy Christianson OELA Program Coordinator Edgewood College, Madison WI
ELL Service Delivery Articulation and Action Plan (SDAAP) During this session participants will examine an ELL service delivery articulation and action plan that documents reflection on current practice and considers future implementation, configuration, and professional development considerations.
Utilizing Resources Effectively to Support ELL Student Achievement Equity for ELLs: Guiding Beliefs and Principles Organizational Map and Service Delivery Articulation & Action Plan (SDAAP) Resource Alignment Through Collaborative Practices O r g a n i z a t i o n a l B l u e p r i n t a n d S e r v i c e D e li v e r y A r t i c u l a t i o n & A c t i o n P l a n
Equity Through Instructional Practices Guiding Principles and Beliefs Considerations for Instructing English Language Learners
Guiding Principles and Beliefs Shared Responsibility for English Language Learners is Evident in the Actions of School Personnel Resources are Aligned to Promote Effective and Collaborative Instructional Practices Shared Decision Making, Problem Solving, and Differentiated Lesson Planning are Evident Among Instructional Planning Teams Program Models & Configurations are Flexible and can be Adjusted based on Students’ Language & Learning Needs Standards-Based Instruction for Language Development & Content Learning is Integrated
Considerations for English Language Learners Instructional Practices follow State Laws/Title III Part A Teachers and Resource Staff Supporting ELLs are Assigned on Instructional Teams ELLs are Clustered into Classrooms Supported by ESL/Bilingual Certified Staff (or have Classroom Teacher with ESL/Bilingual Certification) Hiring Practices Reflect an Emphasis to Employ Staff with ESL/Bilingual Certification All Professional Development Reflects Best Practices for Educating ELLs Parent and Family Outreach Supports Linguistic and Cultural Needs
Questions to Consider: Which guiding beliefs and principles are currently supported in your school or district? What guiding beliefs and principles should be shared and discussed in your educational setting to support instruction for English language learners?
Organizational Map and Service Delivery Articulation & Action Plan (SDAAP) Developing an Organizational Map to Utilize School Resources Effectively Service Delivery Articulation and Action Plan (SDAAP) Examining Program Models and Configurations for Instructing English Language Learners
Using a School Organizational Map for ELL Service Delivery Articulation & Action (SDAAP): What Is It? Organizing and Maximizing Time/Space/Resources in the School Building to Support Students’ Academic Achievement -10,000 ft. view -Accounting for context and conditions -Considering all available resources -Thinking outside the box
Organizational Map Key Elements: Organizational Map: A structure to utilize time, space, and resources in the school building to support English language learners’ academic achievement Establishing shared guiding beliefs and principles as a school Placement of ELLs based on language & learning needs Collaborative teaching structures using best practices for ELLs Flexibility with instructional placements based on needs of ELLs
Service Delivery Key Elements: Service Delivery: Instruction provided to English language learners based on individual language and learning needs Program Model -ESL, Bilingual, Dual Language Immersion Program Configuration -Sheltered classes, Pull-out, Push-in, Resource Rooms Clustering -Grade level, language background, language proficiency Range of Services -Frequency and duration of academic support
Description of ELL Student Population Number receiving services in your school(s) or district Do you perceive there are ELLs that have not been identified? Language(s) spoken by your ELL population Placement of your ELL population Do you have staff who feel confident administering ACCESS? Yes No Do you have staff who feel confident interpreting ACCESS scores and data? Does your school or district employ ESL and/or bilingual certified personnel? If so, how many? NOTES
Service Delivery Program Models and Configurations Program Models Program Configuration English as a Second Language (ESL) ESL academic content class ESL newcomer class ESL/bilingual resource class Sheltered (self- contained) classes Pull-out programs Resource rooms Instruction in general education classroom with ESL/bilingual support Push-in programs Bilingual Education Bilingual instruction (transitional or developmental) Dual language immersion Instruction in general education classroom taught by bilingual teacher
Socio-cultural Assessment Indicate the extent to which each of the following applies to your school or district DK-don’t know; 1-strongly disagree; 2- disagree; 3-agree; 4- strongly agree Teachers, staff and administrators......value and encourage retention of first language and use in the home. DK understand the second language acquisition process. DK understand how immigrants and refugees acculturate and adapt. DK allow first language use in hallways, playground and non-academic settings. DK encourage bilingualism to the greatest degree possible. DK know and understand research surrounding second language learning. DK are comfortable in a multilingual environment.DK take ownership of the education of ELLS in their buildings. DK understand how to adapt instruction for ELLs in the mainstream classroom. DK collaborate on instruction for ELLs DK1234
What past and current professional development resources about ELLs have been utilized? Based on this assessment, what goals do you have future professional development? Notes
Grade/Sections Program Model / Configuration # of ELLsHrs. of Service per Week Staff Assigned Example Ex. Bilingual Class – Ms. Diaz ESL support – Ms. Johnson 18 ELLs 6 ELLs 25 hours (dual certified teacher) 10 hours Ms. Ruiz – Para- professional Ms. Her– ESL teacher Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5
Program Model / Configuration # of ELLsHrs. of Service per Week Staff Assigned Kindergarten TBE Classroom Ms. Diaz 18 ELLs DPI hours (dual certified teacher) Ms. Ruiz – Para- professional 5 hrs/week Kindergarten Grade/Sections 6 ELLsCenter timeMs. Her– ESL teacher Grade 1TBE Classroom Ms. Sanchez 15 ELLs DPI hours (dual certified teacher) Ms. Ruiz 5 hrs/week Grade 1ESL Support Ms. Yang 8 ELLs7.75 hrs/week Literacy block and RtI Ms. Her – ESL teacher Grade 2 TBE Classroom16 ELLs DPI hours (dual certified teacher) Grade 2ESL Support 5 ELLs7 hrs/week Math block and RtI Ms. Her – ESL teacher Grade 2ESL/Spec. Ed. Support 3 ELLs SwD consultationMs. Ruiz – 3 hrs/week Grade 3 BRT Support14 ELLs7.25 hrs/week Literacy and tutorial Mr. Jones – BRT teacher Grade 3ESL/Spec. Ed. Support 7 ELLs SwD consultationMrs. Ruiz Grade 4 BRT Support10 ELLs8.75 Lang. Arts and Intervention Mr. Jones – BRT teacher Grade 4ESL/Spec. Ed. Support 3 ELLs SwD consultation Mrs. Ruiz Grade 5BRT Support12 ELLs8.25 hrs/week Math, tutorial and intervention Mr. Jones – BRT teacher Grade 5ESL/Spec. Ed. Support 5 ELLsconsultationMrs. Ruiz
Elementary Schools Ex.) ESL K-5 Interpretation services Ex.) ESL K-5 Transitional Bilingual K-2 Middle Schools Ex.) ESL 6-8 Spanish language arts Ex.) ESL 6-8 ELL resource class High Schools Ex.) ESL sheltered courses: (Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies) Spanish for Spanish speakers Interpretation / Translation services
Organizational Map and Service Delivery: Key Steps to Implementation for Educating English Language Learners 1.) School leader creates a visual map of classroom configurations with student placements based on projected numbers of English language learners and conversations with teachers 2.) A leadership team that includes ESL and bilingual teachers is assembled and ELL student profiles are created 3.) Decision-making occurs based on allocations and ELL student needs 4.) Grade level teachers and ESL and bilingual education teachers work collaboratively to schedule students into classes 5.) Organizational map and service plan is disseminated to all staff and revisited periodically to ensure classroom environments are optimal for English language learners
Questions to Consider: What elements of the organizational map and/or service delivery process is currently in place in your school or district? Which structures or processes might be helpful in your educational setting to support English language learners?
Potential Uses of the SDAAP Plan of Service (DPI) – Service Delivery Articulation District/School Improvement Planning Strategic Framework Alignment Presentations to Administration/Staff/BOE Grade Level / Team Level Planning Transition Planning Articulation of Short & Long Term Goals/Planning for ELLs
Learned? Affirmed? Time for Reflection Questioned?
Resources can be found at:
Question and Answer Share Out New Learning, Affirmations, and Questions!? Thank You for Your Participation! John Kibler Amy Christianson